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Congratulations, the First Bank of the Suncoast hired you to create a new ATM system. You'll be designing the algorithm the programmers will follow when writing the software for the machine.


  • Continue working with algorithmic thinking


Write your answers in a text file on your computer. If you have Visual Studio Code installed, feel free to use it. Otherwise use Notepad or TextEdit.

ATM Features and Questions

  • If the machine is inactive, display a sequence of three images in sequence.
  • If the machine is inactive, allow a user touch to stop showing the images and begin the logic below.
  • Users must insert their card at some point. When to insert card? When to give back card?
  • What should the ATM do if the account doesn't exist or the card is invalid?
  • What should the ATM do if the user enters an incorrect PIN
  • What should the ATM do if the user CONTINUES to enter an incorrect PIN. At some point the ATM should stop allowing this.
  • The ATM should support working with the user's checking account as well as their savings account
  • User can do one task
    • Withdraw cash
    • Deposit cash
    • Print balance
  • When withdrawing cash the ATM needs to handle these cases:
    • Insufficient funds
    • Not enough cash to complete the request
  • When complete ask the user if they want a receipt or not
    • If the user wants a receipt, print including new balances

Explorer Mode

Write an algorithmic description of the above features. Be as specific and detailed as you can. For instance, for the requirement If the machine is inactive, display a sequence of three images in sequence. and allow a user touch to stop showing the images... you might write something like:

Step 1: Display Image 1
Step 2: If the user touched the screen go to Step 8
Step 3: Display Image 2
Step 4: If the user touched the screen go to Step 8
Step 5: Display Image 3
Step 6: If the user touched the screen go to Step 8
Step 7: Go to step 1
Step 8: .......
  • Yes, be THAT specific. The more specific you focus on this, the better your algorithm skills will be.
  • As a general note, take your first draft and then see if you can be twice as detailed (twice the number of steps)

Adventure Mode

  • Change your algorithm to allow user to perform many withdrawal and deposit tasks.
  • How, and how much, did this change your algorithm?
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