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Capstone project seed ideas

General Requirements:

The capstone project is the final of the course. This project should be significant in scope, but able to be trimmed down to a MVP (minimal viable product). Capstones are not necessarily new ideas that are supposed to change the world. Even though news ideas are accepted (and sometimes encourage, with instructor guidance), some of the best demo's did re-invent the wheel.

The capstone has 2 mains goals.

  • The capstone provides you practice on the skills that you have grown over the course. During the course, you have built many projects, but on a small scale. The capstone projects allow you to built something at a bigger scale, and over a longer timeline. This more significant scope helps reinforce fundamental concepts.

  • The capstone provides a vehicle to show off the skills you have cultivated and want to grow upon further. This project is a great portfolio piece. As described in career support, employers love to see what you build. This portfolio peice helps showcase the skills you want to work on and grow on going forward.


Here are some pre-selected ideas to help get you started.

  • Photo manager (

    • view all photos
    • be able to have tags for a photo
    • search for a photo by tags
    • CRUD a photo
    • add user authentication
  • A resource sharing website, centered around a specific knowledge (reddit for horseback riding) (

    • CRUD A resource
    • search for a resource
    • resources have genres or types
    • users have control only over resources they posted
  • Map X around a user (google maps)

    • I want to view data points on a map,
    • CRUD data points
    • search for data points
    • view data points either on a map or in a list view
  • An event site (

    • CRUD events
    • Each event has a certain number of tickets
    • I can "buy" tickets for an event
    • as a user, I can view my tickets
  • Simple social media focused around a specific subject

    • As a user, I should be able to sign up
    • As a user, I should be able to follow other people
    • As a user, I should be able to CRUD
    • As a user, I should see the posts that other people make
    • As a user, I should be able to search for people and or posts

Projects we liked in the past

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