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Explosion API!


  • Create a simple API
  • Practice problem solving



dotnet new sdg-api -o ExplosionAPI


Explorer Mode

  • Create a controller for ReverseString
    • Create a new Controller called ReverseStringController
    • This will have one HttpGet method
    • The method will accept a string either as a URL parameter or a query parameter. Your choice.
    • This endpoint method will reverse the string passed to it, manipulate it according to the kata Reverse String and return the result
    • Have your code return the string
  • Create a controller for explosion
    • Create a new Controller called ExplosionController
    • This will have one HttpGet method
    • The method will accept a string either as a URL parameter or a query parameter. Your choice.
    • This endpoint method will take the string passed to it, manipulate it according to the kata Digits Explosion and return the result
    • Have your code return the string
  • Create a controller for mumbling
    • Create a new Controller called MumblingController
    • This will have one HttpGet method
    • The method will accept a string either as a URL parameter or a query parameter. Your choice.
    • This endpoint method will take the string passed to it, manipulate it according to the kata Mumbling and return the result
    • Have your code return the string

Adventure Mode


Epic Mode


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