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A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words

Get to know React Router by building yourself a small photo gallery site.


  • Adding dependencies to your React Project
  • Navigating JSON data structures
  • Using the React Router library
  • Using parameters in React Router


Using the JSON data below as a starter, build a photo gallery app. Here's an example.

"pandas": {
"title": "Panda Bears",
"description": "Pandas are bears native to south-central China, and are objectively the cutest animals on earth.",
"photos": [
"title": "Panda Waving",
"imageURL": "",
"sourceURL": ""
"title": "Großer Panda im Ocean Park, Hongkong",
"imageURL": "",
"sourceURL": ""
"title": "Wild pandas get a boost; the iconic species has been upgraded from 'endangered' to 'vulnerable.'",
"imageURL": "",
"sourceURL": ""
"title": "Sacred Warrior, by Adrian Smith",
"imageURL": "",
"sourceURL": ""
"miniatures": {
"title": "Miniature Painting",
"description": "I enjoy painting miniatures from board games. I've been painting since early 2018, here's some of my work.",
"photos": [
"title": "City of Kings",
"imageURL": "",
"sourceURL": ""
"title": "Blood Rage, Ram Clan",
"imageURL": "",
"sourceURL": ""
"title": "Cormac the Druid, work in progress",
"imageURL": "",
"sourceURL": ""

Save this as a JSON file in your project and import it.

If you hot-link photos from the internet, be sure to include a valid link back to the source.


degit $GITHUB_USER/react-project-template PhotoGallery

Explorer Mode

  • You should have at least 4 components: App, CategoryList, PhotoList, PhotoDetail.
  • On the home page, your category list should render the title of each category and link using the key. For examples "Panda Bears" should link to /pandas
  • Render each photo in the given category on the photo list page with a thumbnail sized version of your photos.
  • Render a large version of the photo on the photo details page.

Adventure Mode

  • Customize the given data to include your own photos and categories.
  • Add bread crumb navigation, as seen in the example.
  • Add a thumbnail to the first photo in each category to the home page, as seen in the example.

Epic Mode

  • Find an external API for a photo sharing site (such as Flickr) and use data from the API rather than the given JSON file.

Additional Resources

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