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ORM Safari! Part II

Let's Continue our safari adventure

We are taking a surprise trip to the Savannah for a safari to see all sorts of exotic animals. During our time their we want to keep track of all the animals we have seen. For this, we need to create an API to help record what we see.



  • Using Ruby on Rails or ASP.NET create a simple API for you Safari Database
  • Use your language's naming conventions where appropriate.

For .NET Students, install the sdg-api template using the command dotnet new -i SDG.templates.Web.API


dotnet new sdg-console-database -o SafariApi

Explorer Mode

Explorer Mode (C#)

  • Your database will be named called SafariVacation

    • This will have 1 table called SeenAnimals that has the following columns
      • Id
      • Species
      • CountOfTimesSeen
      • LocationOfLastSeen
    • NOTE: This should be made all in the code using Entity Framework/active records and not created in the pgcli.
  • Your API should have the following endpoints:
    • Create GET /Animals Endpoint that returns all animals you have seen
    • Create GET /Search?species=lion that returns all animals where the species name contains the species parameter
    • Create a POST /Animal endpoint that adds an animal to the database. This should take a JSON body

Explorer Mode (Ruby)

  • Your rails application will be named called safari_vacation

    • This will have 1 model called Animal that has the following columns
      • species (string)
      • seen_count (int)
      • last_seen_location (string)
    • NOTE: This should be made using rails generate model and not created in the pgcli.
  • Your API should have the following endpoints:
    • Create GET /animals that returns all the animals as JSON
    • Create GET /animals?species=lion that returns all animals as JSON where the species name contains the species parameter
    • Create POST /animal that adds an animal to the database. This should take a JSON body

Adventure Mode (C#)

  • Create a GET /Animal/{location} that returns animals of only that location
  • Create a PUT /Animal/{id} endpoint that adds 1 to the count of times seen for that animal (given by id)
  • Create a DELETE /Animal/{id} endpoint that deletes that animal id from the database
  • Normalize your database to have Location be its own table
  • Extend your Search endpoint to search by an animal or by location
  • Create a PUT /Animal/{animal}/{amount} endpoint that adds {amount} to that animal

Adventure Mode (Ruby)

  • Create a GET /animals?location={location} that returns animals of only that location
  • Create a PUT /animals/increment that adds 1 to the count of times seen for that animal (given by id)
  • Create a DELETE /animals/{id} endpoint that deletes that animal id from the database

Epic Mode

  • Create a React or Vue app that talks to your API and Interacts with all the endpoints
  • Work on your capstone

Additional Resources


Here are the interesting commands you will need for tonight's assignment

  • To add Entity Framework to your project:
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design --version 2.1.3
dotnet add package Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL --version 2.1.2
  • To create your database:
createdb <<DatabaseName>>
  • To create the DbContext
dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "server=localhost;database=<<DatabaseName>>" Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL -c <<DatabaseName>>Context
  • Add a migration:
dotnet ef migrations add AddBaordGameTable
  • Update your database
dotnet ef database update


  • You may want to delete and recreate your database
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