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Variables, Variables, and Variables

Let's get started

Today, we are starting our journey into TypeScript. For this assignment, you will be making a program that demonstrates some TypeScript fundamentals.


  • Ensure your development environment is setup
  • Practice creating variables
  • Practice working with user input


degit $GITHUB_USER/html-css-ts-project-template VariablesJS

Explorer Mode

  • Create a new app that does the following.

    • Practice Creating Variables

      • Create a variable that stores the numberOfCupsOfCoffee that you drink every day.
      • Create a variable called fullName and set it equal to your full name.
      • Use console.log and your variables, numberOfCupsOfCoffee and fullName to output all three on one line.
      • Create an variable that stores an object. Make the properties of the object fullName, luckyNumber , and favoriteMovies. Where fullname is your full name, luckyNumber is a number value of your favorite number, and favoriteMovies is an array of strings of a few of your top movies. NOTE: Try doing this using object literal: const aboutMe = { } and put the properties inside.
    • Practice Getting Input From the User

      • Using window.prompt, Ask the user for their name and store it in a variable named userName.
      • Use console.log to show a greeting to the user, using their name.
    • Converting String Input Into Numbers

      • Input two numbers from the user. Convert each resulting string from window.prompt to a number using Number. Save the first value in a variable named firstOperand and the second value in a variable named secondOperand.
    • Doing Math

      • Add the operand variables from above and save the results in a variable named sum.
      • Subtract the secondOperand variable from the firstOperand variable and save the results in a variable named difference.
      • Multiply the operand variables and save the results in a variable named product.
      • Divide the firstOperand by the secondOperand and save the results in a variable named quotient.
      • Find the remainder when one operand is divided by the other and save the results in a variable named remainder.
      • Use console.log to present the user, in a meaningful way, each of the values for the sum, difference, quotient, product, and remainder variables. (e.g. perhaps one of your outputs is similar to If you add 4 and 5 you get 9 if 4 and 5 were the input)
    • Using Arrays

      • Use this page to generate an array of random numbers. NOTE: That format isn't ready for TypeScript. In your editor, you will need to format the collection of numbers as a TypeScript array.

      • Place these numbers into a properly formatted array named numbers.

      • Determine the following using one (or more) TypeScript for loops:

        • Find the smallest number in the array and place the answer in a variable named smallest
        • Find the largest number in the array and place the answer in a variable named largest
        • Find the sum of all the numbers in the array and place the answer in a variable named arraySum
        • Find the average of all the numbers in the array and place the answer in a variable named average
      • Create an object called stats with the following properties

        • In a property named smallest, put the value of the variable smallest
        • In a property named largest, put the value of the variable largest
        • In a property named sum, put the value of the variable arraySum
        • In a property named average, put the value of the variable average

Adventure Mode

  • Revisit your arrays. This time create new variables that represent:
    • sumOfOdd that contains the sum of all the odd numbers
    • countOfEven that contains the total count of all the even numbers
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