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Welcome to Codewars

The best way to improve our problem-solving skills is to practice, practice, practice. Many developers continue to do frequent practice on small sample problems, some even using them as a daily warmup before beginning their daily routine.

One of the common interview scenarios for developers is a coding question or challenge. During an interview, you may be asked to code the solution to a small problem or you may be given a small application to create over a few days and turn in.

Both of these scenarios require you to begin a habit of practicing reading and solving coding exercises.

The website we'll be using for this is


  • Exercise and improve your problem-solving skills
  • Prepare you for interview coding questions


  • Create an account at
  • Join the "Suncoast Developers Guild" clan
  • Create a new, empty, github repository to store your codewars solutions in

Explorer Mode

  • Choose any TWO of the following code challenges.
  • Complete them through the phase of "SUBMIT" and having codewars acknowledge your code is correct.
  • Copy and paste the code of your solution into a file in your codewars repository. Use a filename similar to the name of the challenge. For instance, if you solve "Switch it Up!" name your file "SwitchItUp.cs" or "switch-it-up.cs"

Exercise Choices:

Adventure Mode

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