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Algorithms Continued

So you've been challenged to come up with an algorithm!

Where do we start? What kind of language do we use? How detailed do we need to be?

[fit] Algorithm Detail

The more details, the better!

New developers/algorithm-creators don't specify enough detail.

Typical new SDG student generates about a third to a fourth the amount of detail required in an algorithm.

fit right

[fit] So, how do we learn and practice?

Use precise language
Break problems into smaller pieces
Learn common problem-solving approaches
Practice, practice, practice ... and more practice.

It takes time

[fit] Precise language

  • We will be using programming languages like C# and SQL and TypeScript to write our algorithms.

  • For now, we will be using human language, English specifically, which is an imprecise language.

[fit] Use your imagination

  • When creating algorithms, pretend that you are giving instructions to:
    • A baby that just learned to speak
    • A robot that only knows a few specific words or phrases
    • The pickiest, pedantic person you know.
    • ... then double or triple the specificity and detail

Break a problem down

Zeno's Dichotomy Paradox

Who knows it?

Zeno's Dichotomy Paradox

That which is in locomotion must arrive
at the halfway stage before it arrives
at the goal.
—  as recounted by Aristotle, Physics VI:9, 239b10


Mathematically, you do arrive at your goal

Curious students can see me after class to see how.

[fit] Take a significant problem and

[fit] break it into (two?) smaller problems

[fit] We might know this as "delegation"

[fit] We may not know how to

[fit] solve an entire problem.

[fit] We can look at parts

[fit] that we can solve

[fit] Example: Spaghetti and Sauce

[fit] Major Steps

  • Make Sauce
  • Make Spaghetti

[fit] Break this down


  • Sauce:
    • Garlic, Onion, Basil, Tomatoes


  • Spaghetti
    • Eggs, flour, semolina, salt
    • Make dough
    • Rise
    • Roll
    • Cut
    • Cook

[fit] Even this is too simplistic

Anyone who cooks knows I've summarized many of these steps.

Breaking down problems into manageable steps is an art

[fit] Transform a problem

Take a problem in an area we don't
know how to solve and turn it into
one that we do!

[.autoscale: true]

[fit] Here is a simple to state problem.

[fit] See if you can solve it (no computer usage)

[fit] I'll give you thirty seconds

[fit] Ready, set, go ...

[fit] Add up the first 1000 numbers

[fit] 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 998 + 999 + 1000

[fit] Did you do it?

[fit] Transforming the problem

[fit] 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 998 + 999 + 1000

[fit] Transforming the problem

[fit] 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 998 + 999 + 1000


1 2 3


1000 999 998

[fit] Transforming the problem

[fit] 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 998 + 999 + 1000


1 2 3


+ + +


1000 999 998

[fit] Transforming the problem

[fit] 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 998 + 999 + 1000


1 2 3


+ + +


1000 999 998


= 1001 = 1001 = 1001

[fit] Transforming the problem

[fit] 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 998 + 999 + 1000

There are 500 of these pairs.
500 * 1001 = 500,500


1 2 3


+ + +


1000 999 998


= 1001 = 1001 = 1001

General formula

$$\frac{n(n + 1)}{2}$$

Breaking problem down: Mail

As another example ... Donald Knuth gives the
method a post office typically uses to route
mail: letters are sorted into separate bags
for different geographical areas, each of
these bags is sorted into batches for
smaller sub-regions, and so on until they
are delivered.

Breaking problem down, one bit at a time.

Find the largest number in a list.

Reduce the problem by ONE

The largest number in a list is either:

  • The first number in a list
  • or
  • If other numbers are remaining in the list ... the largest number is in the remainder of the list


Find largest number in:



  • Largest number of 43,71,75,66,48 is either 43
  • or
  • Largest number in 71,75,66,48


  • Largest number of 71,75,66,48 is either 71
  • or
  • Largest number in 75,66,48


  • Largest number of 75,66,48 is either 75
  • or
  • Largest number in 66,48


  • Largest number of 66,48 is either 66
  • or
  • Largest number in 48


  • Largest number of 48 is 48

  • So largest number of 66,48 is 68

  • So largest number of 75,66,48 is 75

  • So largest number of 71,75,66,48 is 75

  • So largest number of 43,71,75,66,48 is 75


  • Median number in a list

    • First sort
    • Then find middle number
      • If there are an odd count of numbers, take the middle.
      • If there are even count of numbers, average the two middle numbers.





Middle is 66





Middle is 21 and 25, so median is: 23

[.build-lists: true]

0, 1, few, $$ \infty $$

  • Solving a problem with zero inputs is typically easy

  • Solving a problem with one input is typically easy

  • Solving a problem with a few inputs is typically easy due to our natural intuition

  • Solving a problem with a huge amount of input challenges our intuition and assumptions

  • See an example of adding up the first N numbers.

[fit] Use "0, 1, few, $$ \infty $$" in your thinking process

  • Perhaps start with an input size of "a few."
  • Use your intuition to understand the problem
  • Don't forget about 0 and 1 inputs
    • (sometimes the problem has a curveball here)
  • See if your intuition still works with $$ \infty $$

[fit] Idea of conditions and loops in algorithms

  • When thinking of an algorithm, it often helps to solve a smaller version of the problem.
  • Then, see if applying that process to each element of the input works.
  • This is "looping".
  • We'll work with looping often in this class.

[fit] Idea of conditions and loops in algorithms

"If something is true" or "If something is false" help determine if or when we should do some smaller steps.

[fit] Loop with counting

  • "Do the following X times"
  • "Do the following until X is less-than/more-than/equal to Y"

[fit] Computers are very good at conditions and loops.

Computers are primarily machines that work with conditions and loops.

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