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[fit] Building CRUD API Servers

Writing API servers that manage data

  • Let's create an API server that can perform CRUD actions on some collection of data.

[fit] Game Night!

  • We will create an API to manage our game nights.
  • It will track:
    • The name of the game we will play
    • The name of the person hosting the event
    • The address of the event
    • The date and time the game will start
    • The minimum number of players
    • The maximum number of players

API Definition

We are going to make an API that has the ability to CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) games.

The first thing we should do is design our API to support all of these and to follow a common convention.


[.autoscale: true]

We will follow these guidelines while building our API:

  • GameNight is the model we are going to manage.
  • If an endpoint uses the GET verb we expect the endpoint to return the same resource each time and not modify it.
  • If an endpoint uses POST/PUT/DELETE it will modify the resource in some way.
  • POST will modify the "list of all games" resource by adding a new GameNight.
  • PUT will modify a specific game night by supplying new values.
  • DELETE will modify a specific game night by removing it from the "list of all game nights".

GET /GameNightsGets a list of all games
GET /GameNights/{id}Gets the single specific game night given by its id
POST /GameNightsCreates a new game night, assigning a new ID for the game night. The properties of the game night are given as JSON in the BODY of the request
PUT /GameNights/{id}Updates the single specific game night given by its id. The updated properties of the game night are given by JSON in the BODY of the request
DELETE /GameNights/{id}Deletes the specific game night given by its id


[.autoscale: true]

This is a very typical pattern of API for a CRUD style application.

These URL patterns and VERB combinations are enough of a pattern that we can typically make some guesses as to what an API does by only looking at the URL+VERB definition.

Creating Our Application

To generate an app with API and database support:

dotnet new sdg-api -o GameNightWithFriends

Generating an ERD

Our ERD for this application is simple since it is only dealing with a single entity: a GameNight.

| GameNight |
| Name - string |
| Host - string |
| Address - string |
| When - DateTime |
| MinimumPlayers - int |
| MaximumPlayers - int |

Generating our database and our tables

We can use a feature of Entity Framework we may not have used yet: Migrations

For more details on migrations you can see this lesson.


Migrations are the ability for EF to detect changes to our C# models and automatically generate the required SQL to change the definition of the database.

This is the idea of Code First database modeling. What we had done before, creating our tables manually in SQL was considered Database First.

Creating a Migration

The first thing we do is define our model.

In the Models directory, create the GameNight.cs file and define all the fields.

public class GameNight
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Host { get; set; }
public string Address { get; set; }
public DateTime When { get; set; }
public int MinimumPlayers { get; set; }
public int MaximumPlayers { get; set; }

Next step, inform our DatabaseContext of this model

After this code:

public partial class DatabaseContext : DbContext

Add this statement to let the DatabaseContext know we want to track GameNight in a GameNights table:

public partial class DatabaseContext : DbContext
public DbSet<GameNight> GameNights { get; set; }

[.autoscale: true]

Next up: generate a migration

Any time we change the properties of a model OR we create a new model we must generate a Database Migration and update our database.

Before we can generate a migration we should do a quick check to make sure our code is free of syntax errors:

dotnet build


dotnet ef migrations add AddGameNights

Naming migrations

The name of our migration should attempt to capture the database structure change we are making.

In this case we are Add ing the GameNights table.

[fit] Next up: ensure your migration is good

This step is IMPORTANT

Do not skip it.

Most project questions of why is my app not working relates to a broken migration.

Checking our migration


You should have at least two new files in Migrations, one ending in _AddGameNights.cs.

Open that file and ensure the Up method has code for creating a table and defining columns.

protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
name: "GameNights",
columns: table => new
Id = table.Column<int>(nullable: false)
.Annotation("Npgsql:ValueGenerationStrategy", NpgsqlValueGenerationStrategy.IdentityByDefaultColumn),
Name = table.Column<string>(nullable: true),
Host = table.Column<string>(nullable: true),
Address = table.Column<string>(nullable: true),
When = table.Column<DateTime>(nullable: false),
MinimumPlayers = table.Column<int>(nullable: false),
MaximumPlayers = table.Column<int>(nullable: false)
constraints: table =>
table.PrimaryKey("PK_GameNights", x => x.Id);

[fit] Let's walk through this code

Update the database with this migration change

To run the migration against our database:

dotnet ef database update

[fit] This should create our GameNights table for us!

Time to make a controller!

To run the code generator:

dotnet aspnet-codegenerator controller
--model GameNight
-name GameNightsController
--dataContext DatabaseContext
--relativeFolderPath Controllers

NOTE This would normally be all on one line

[fit] GameNightsController.cs

Let's review this code. There is a lot there!

NOTE There is also a detailed walk through of this code in the handbook lesson.

[fit] Let's run the application and see what it can do!

[fit] Validation

Adding a check to make sure we have at least two players.

Add this to the PutGameNight and to the PostGameNight methods.

// Add a check to make sure we have enough players.
if (gameNight.MinimumPlayers < 2)
return BadRequest(new { Message = "You need at least 2 players!" });

Adding associated Players

Our Game Night app is a success! Now we want to update it to keep track of data of the players that attended each game night.

Create a Player model

namespace GameNightWithFriends.Models
public class Player
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int GameNightId { get; set; }
public GameNight GameNight { get; set; }

And add the information to our Database Context

public DbSet<Player> Players { get; set; }

Creating a whole new controller versus a nested/additional method on a current controller

^ There are several approaches to allowing our code to track the related players to a GameNight. The first pass would be to create a new controller that focused on managing the Player model. The user would supply, for each created player the GameNightId along with the details about the player (their Name).

^ We could also simply add a method to the existing GameNightsController if all we wanted to do was allow for associating the players. In this case we simply need a Create style action.

Adding to the existing controller

// Adding Players to a game night
// POST /api/GameNights/5/Players
public async Task<ActionResult<Player>> CreatePlayerForGameNight(int id, Player player)
// | |
// | Player deserialized from JSON from the body
// |
// GameNight ID comes from the URL

^ This is a POST style action which typically indicates the creation of data. Then we ensure the game night's id is present in the URL. We then place a /Players behind it such that the URL becomes POST 42/Players to create a player for the GameNight with Id of 42.

^ We'll name this method CreatePlayerForGameNight and see that the arguments to the method indicate we'll be deserializing a Player object from the body which we will name the variable player. The method also returns the newly created Player object.

// Adding Players to a game night
// POST /api/GameNights/5/Players
public async Task<ActionResult<Player>> CreatePlayerForGameNight(int id, Player player)
// | |
// | Player deserialized from JSON from the body
// |
// GameNight ID comes from the URL
// First, lets find the game night (by using the ID)
var gameNight = await _context.GameNights.FindAsync(id);
// If the game doesn't exist: return a 404 Not found.
if (gameNight == null)
// Return a `404` response to the client indicating we could not find a game night with this id
return NotFound();
// Associate the player to the given game night.
player.GameNightId = gameNight.Id;
// Add the player to the database
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
// Return the new player to the response of the API
return Ok(player);
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