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Object Oriented Programing in C#

So far

Methods: Behavior Variables: Data (state)


Combine Behavior and State

using System;
namespace EmployeeDatabase
class Program
static void DisplayGreeting()
Console.WriteLine(" Welcome to Our Employee Database ");
static string PromptForString(string prompt)
var userInput = Console.ReadLine();
return userInput;
static int PromptForInteger(string prompt)
int userInput;
var isThisGoodInput = Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out userInput);
if (isThisGoodInput)
return userInput;
Console.WriteLine("Sorry, that isn't a valid input, I'm using 0 as your answer.");
return 0;
static int ComputeMonthlySalaryFromYearly(int yearlySalary)
return yearlySalary / 12;
static void Main(string[] args)
var name = PromptForString("What is your name? ");
int department = PromptForInteger("What is your department number? ");
int salary = PromptForInteger("What is your yearly salary (in dollars)? ");
int monthlySalary = ComputeMonthlySalaryFromYearly(salary);
Console.WriteLine($"Hello, {name} you make {monthlySalary} dollars per month.");

What if we wanted to add information about a second employee? Certainly one approach would be to add a second set of variables such as:

var name1 = PromptForString("What is your name? ");
int department1 = PromptForInteger("What is your department number? ");
int salary1 = PromptForInteger("What is your yearly salary (in dollars)? ");
int monthlySalary1 = ComputeMonthlySalaryFromYearly(salary1);
var name2 = PromptForString("What is your name? ");
int department2 = PromptForInteger("What is your department number? ");
int salary2 = PromptForInteger("What is your yearly salary (in dollars)? ");
int monthlySalary2 = ComputeMonthlySalaryFromYearly(salary2);

Or perhaps we would have some arrays

  • names[]
  • departments[]

This has some drawbacks. We'd have to know that names[0] is related to departments[0], etc.

If we removed something from names we'd have to be sure to remove the corresponding departments entry.

Put related data in the same state

To group related data we consider them all part of the same state.

In this case the state is about an Employee who has individual attributes:

  • name
  • department
  • salary
  • and something we compute named monthlySalary

A diagram of this might look like:

| Employee |
| name |
| department |
| salary |
| monthlySalary |

If we had a few of these Employee things around we might also see they could have their own, specific values for each of these attributes.

+---------------------------+ +------------------------------+
| Employee | | Employee |
+---------------+-----------+ +------------------------------+
+---------------+-----------+ +---------------+--------------+
| name | Elon Musk | | name | Grace Hopper |
| department | 42 | | department | 100 |
| salary | 120000 | | salary | 240000 |
| monthlySalary | 10000 | | monthlySalary | 20000 |
+---------------+-----------+ +---------------+--------------+

Grouping these attributes together: Encapsulation

Keep track of this data together!

Class Syntax

Let's take our idea of an employee in this system and write some syntax to help us.


// class keyword
// |
// | Name of class (PascalCase)
// | |
// v v
class Employee
// public means "this can be seen outside of the class"
// |
// | Type
// | |
// | | Name of property
// | | |
// | | |
// | | |
// v v v
public string Name;
public int Department;
public int Salary;
public int MonthlySalary;
// This is a *special* method known as a "constructor"
// The constructor is called when we write a line like: `var bob = new Employee(`
// The arguments to the method should line up to those below
// This will become the employee's name
// | This will become the employee's department
// | | This will become the employee's salary
// | | | This will become the employee's monthly salary
// | | | |
// v v v v
public Employee(string newName, int newDepartment, int newSalary, int newMonthlySalary)
// In the constructor we should setup the values for any of the properties.
// Here we will *copy* the values given by the arguments to the corresponding property.
Name = newName;
Department = newDepartment;
Salary = newSalary;
MonthlySalary = newMonthlySalary;


These represent the DATA part of state and data.

Accessible both inside the class and outside.

// public means "this can be seen outside of the class"
// | Type
// | | Name of property
// v v v
public string Name;
public int Department;
public int Salary;
public int MonthlySalary;


  • Special method.
  • Used when we create an instance of an object
  • May include arguments used to initialize properties
// New Name
// | New Department
// | | New Salary
// | | | New Monthly Salary
// | | | |
// v v v v
public Employee(string newName, int newDepartment, int newSalary, int newMonthlySalary)


  • Responsible for setting up default values of properties
  • Anything else that happens at make a new object time
  • In our case, take each of the arguments and copy them into the properties
Name = newName;
Department = newDepartment;
Salary = newSalary;
MonthlySalary = newMonthlySalary;

Example usage

We refer to this as instantiating objects

Notice this has a similar syntax to new List

We've already been making objects!

var graceHopper = new Employee("Grace Hopper", 100, 240000, 20000);
Console.WriteLine(graceHopper.Department); // Will show 100
var elonMusk = new Employee("Elon Musk", 42, 120000, 10000);
Console.WriteLine(elonMusk.Department); // Will show 42

[fit] We make objects like this often

  • C# gives us a shortcut to create a new object and fill in properties
  • getters and setters
  • defaults

Properties with getters and setters

// class keyword
// |
// | Name of class (PascalCase)
// | |
// v v
class Employee
// public means "this can be seen outside of the class"
// |
// | Type
// | |
// | | Name of property
// | | |
// | | | We can get the data and set the data
// | | | |
// v v v v
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Department { get; set; }
public int Salary { get; set; }
public int MonthlySalary { get; set; }

We can instantiate employees.

+---------------------------+ +------------------------------+
| Employee Object | | Employee Object |
+---------------+-----------+ +---------------+--------------+
| name | Elon Musk | | name | Grace Hopper |
| department | 42 | | department | 100 |
| salary | 120000 | | salary | 240000 |
| monthlySalary | 10000 | | monthlySalary | 20000 |
+---------------+-----------+ +---------------+--------------+

var firstEmployee = new Employee();
var secondEmployee = new Employee();

Accessing properties

var firstEmployee = new Employee();
var secondEmployee = new Employee();
firstEmployee.Name = "Elon Musk";
secondEmployee.Name = "Grace Hopper";

What do our instances look like?

+-----------------------------+ +--------------------------------+
| firstEmployee | | secondEmployee |
+---------------+-------------+ +---------------+----------------+
| Name | "Elon Musk" | | Name | "Grace Hopper" |
| Department | 0 | | Department | 0 |
| Salary | 0 | | Salary | 0 |
| MonthlySalary | 0 | | MonthlySalary | 0 |
+---------------+-------------+ +---------------+----------------=

[fit] Let's fill in the rest of the properties.

var firstEmployee = new Employee();
var secondEmployee = new Employee();
firstEmployee.Name = "Elon Musk";
firstEmployee.Department = 42;
firstEmployee.Salary = 120000;
firstEmployee.MonthlySalary = 10000;
secondEmployee.Name = "Grace Hopper";
secondEmployee.Department = 100;
secondEmployee.Salary = 240000;
secondEmployee.MonthlySalary = 20000;

[fit] Now our instances look like this:

+-----------------------------+ +--------------------------------+
| firstEmployee | | secondEmployee |
+---------------+-------------+ +---------------+----------------+
| Name | "Elon Musk" | | Name | "Grace Hopper" |
| Department | 42 | | Department | 100 |
| Salary | 120000 | | Salary | 240000 |
| MonthlySalary | 10000 | | MonthlySalary | 20000 |
+---------------+-------------+ +---------------+----------------+

Simpler syntax

When creating a new object, C# gives us a convenient syntax:

var firstEmployee = new Employee {
Name = "Elon Musk",
Department = 42,
Salary = 120000,
MonthlySalary = 10000
var secondEmployee = new Employee {
Name = "Grace Hopper",
Department = 100,
Salary = 240000,
MonthlySalary = 20000

Update our code

So far we have seen how class-es:

  • Store data, which we call state, in attributes we call properties.
  • Are the template that describes what data is used
  • Create instances, called objects
  • Are like cookie cutters, where objects are like the cookies

Behavior with methods

The code has a method ComputeMonthlySalaryFromYearly that accesses our object's property and does some math.

We also have a property named MonthlySalary.

Any time we change the Salary we should be able to ask for the MonthlySalary.

Make MonthlySalary a method

class Employee
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Department { get; set; }
public int Salary { get; set; }
public int MonthlySalary()
return Salary / 12;

Create the following objects

var firstEmployee = new Employee {
Name = "Elon Musk",
Department = 42,
Salary = 120000,
var secondEmployee = new Employee {
Name = "Grace Hopper",
Department = 100,
Salary = 240000,

+-----------------------------+ +--------------------------------+
| firstEmployee | | secondEmployee |
+---------------+-------------+ +---------------+----------------+
| Name | "Elon Musk" | | Name | "Grace Hopper" |
| Department | 42 | | Department | 100 |
| Salary | 120000 | | Salary | 240000 |
| MonthlySalary | METHOD | | MonthlySalary | METHOD |
+---------------+-------------+ +---------------+----------------+

Objects have their own data (state) but shared behavior (methods)

For firstEmployee.MonthlySalary()

  • Runs return Salary / 12
  • But C# knows we are the instance firstEmployee
  • Thus Salary is 120000 and we get back 10000.

Objects have their own data (state) but shared behavior (methods)

For secondEmployee.MonthlySalary()

  • Runs return Salary / 12
  • But C# knows we are the instance secondEmployee
  • Thus Salary is 240000 and we get back 20000.



Often in modeling the real world we encounter different types of data that are related. Sometimes these are in an is a or is a kind of relationship.

For instance in our system perhaps we have active employees and retired employees. In this case perhaps we want to return a 0 for the MonthlySalary of any retired employees.

// This class
// |
// | Is a kind of this class
// | |
// | |
// v v
class RetiredEmployee : Employee
public int MonthlySalary()
return 0;

Now if we defined a new employee as such:

var thirdEmployee = new RetiredEmployee {
Name = "Bill Gates",
Department = 100,
Salary = 120,

This would output 0. Notice we did not have to redeclare Name, or Department, or Salary as those are inherited from the base class of Employee.

Inheriting allows us to both add new state and behavior and override behavior from the base class.

Inheritance is a powerful tool but it is used less often in favor of other techniques such as

  • extensions
  • mixins
  • dependency injection

We will discuss some of these in other lessons.

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