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Create Reviews

Create a review

The page that shows an individual restaurant has a form to create a new review. In this step, we will use a state variable to track the form's values and then POST them to the API. These steps are like those for the form to create a new restaurant.

Create a controller

First, we must create a controller for the reviews. We will use the code generator again to make this controller.

dotnet aspnet-codegenerator controller --model Review -name ReviewsController --useAsyncActions -api --dataContext DatabaseContext --relativeFolderPath Controllers

The command will create Controllers/ReviewsController.cs with code to create, read, update, and delete reviews.

Looking at this controller and our user interface, we see that we do not need to get a listing of all reviews, nor do we need to access a single review, nor do we need to update or delete reviews. Thus we should only keep the one endpoint, the POST /api/Reviews, to create a new review. Remove all the methods other than PostReview.

Update the user interface

In Restaurant.tsx, we will add a state to track the fields of the review.

const [newReview, setNewReview] = useState<ReviewType>({
body: '',
stars: 5,
summary: '',
restaurantId: Number(id),

Notice that we include, by default, the related restaurant id, converted to a number. Including the restaurant's id will be required by the API to associate the review to the correct restaurant.

Then we will create a method to track the changes of the text input fields:

function handleNewReviewTextFieldChange(
event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement>
) {
const name =
const value =
setNewReview({ ...newReview, [name]: value })

Update the input and textarea fields with the values from newReview, the onChange event, and a correct name attribute.




Handling the star rating

We implement the star rating as a series of radio buttons. To use these radio buttons to update the star property of the newReview state remove the value attribute and introduce a checked attribute. Do this to each of the radio buttons:

checked={newReview.stars === 1}

Then we will define a method to handle clicking on the radio button:

function handleStarRadioButton(newStars: number) {
setNewReview({ ...newReview, stars: newStars })

Now update the radio inputs to call this function when clicked. Do this for each star rating input.

checked={newReview.stars === 4}
onChange={() => handleStarRadioButton(4)}

Check out the interface with React Developer Tools

We can check the form in react developer tools to make sure that our internal state variable follows the data we are inputting in the form.

Handle submitting the form

Create a function to submit the review:

async function submitNewReview(review: ReviewType) {
const response = await fetch(`/api/Reviews`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify(review),
if (response.ok) {
return response.json()
} else {
throw await response.json()

Then we can make a new mutation to call the function:

const createNewReview = useMutation(submitNewReview, {
onSuccess: function () {
// ?
onSubmit={function (event) {

If you use the app at this point, you can put in a new review and submit it. Doing so will submit the review, but you'll have to refresh the page to see the change.

We can add refetch to the useQuery for the restaurant and use that to refetch the restaurant and all the reviews.

const { refetch, data: restaurant = NullRestaurant } =
const createNewReview = useMutation(submitNewReview, {
onSuccess: function () {

We also clear out the new restaurant fields.

const createNewReview = useMutation(submitNewReview, {
onSuccess: function () {
body: '',
stars: 5,
summary: '',

Try adding a few reviews!

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