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Setting up for Users

Setting up for Users

To keep track of the user that created restaurants and reviews, we will need to add the idea of users and login/logout features.

We will create a user model and the associated controller to manage them. Then we will make user interface components for creating accounts and for logging in.

User Model

To begin, create a user model that stores information about the user. Each user will have the following attributes:

  • Id
  • Full Name
  • Email Address
  • Password

It is unwise to store unencrypted passwords in our database. Thus we will not keep the raw password, but a hashed password.

Hashing Passwords

The idea of a hashed password relies on the concept of a "one-way function", that is a function that is fast and easy to compute in one direction but difficult to calculate in the other.

Let us take a look at the idea of a "two-way function". A simple example would be double, which takes a number and multiplies it by two. If I give you the input of this function, say 42, you can quickly and reliably compute the output, 84. If I provide you with output, say 246, it is trivial for you to figure out what a corresponding input would be: 123. This process would be simple regardless of the size of the numbers. Given 24686850904684, you can quickly figure out what the corresponding input is.

A classic example of a one-way function is the prime factorization function. Given two prime numbers, say 17 and 5, it is easy to multiply them together and get 85. Given a number like 85, it isn't too hard to figure out which two prime numbers multiply together to get that number. This isn't true as the number gets larger. If I give you the number 682654107378822049 it isn't so trivial to compute the two numbers that are its prime factors (the answer is 982451653 and 694847533)

For something like a password, we will use the idea of a hashing function. A hashing function attempts to take an input value and compute a fixed size and mostly unique value. Small changes in the input should make a large and unpredictable change in the output.

A popular hashing function is SHA256. If we take the text dotnet and process it with this algorithm we get back out the result: 3831fff4af76125e90081ac7eb855a1bcce0733045f9d26cd620466e0d4acf97. If we take the text ditnet, just one letter different we get fb89fe75f8be03f17435f563121e940360cd9fcfcbd3f8978b59c160fdaca711

Given a result of a SHA256 hash, it is very difficult to work out what text generated it.

We will be using the built-in dotnet hashing algorithm based on PBKDF2, a strong password hashing algorithm.

Defining our model

We will want to treat the Id, FullName, and Email as we have other fields for our model. For the password, we will be creating and storing a HashedPassword in the database. Mark this field as JsonIgnore so it skipped by serialization and not exposed in any API results.

We also wish to be able to assign a plain text password to a user. The setting of this plain text password should have the effect of hashing that value and storing it in the HashedPassword property. We will also need a way to validate a user password.

using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
namespace TacoTuesday.Models
public class User
public int Id { get; set; }
[Required(ErrorMessage = "You must provide your name.")]
public string FullName { get; set; }
[Required(ErrorMessage = "You must provide your email.")]
public string Email { get; set; }
public string HashedPassword { get; set; }
// Define a property for being able to _set_ a password
public string Password
// Define only the `set` aspect of the property
// When set, use the PasswordHasher to encrypt the password
// and store the result in our HashedPassword
this.HashedPassword = new PasswordHasher<User>().HashPassword(this, value);
// Add a method that can validate this user's password
public bool IsValidPassword(string password)
// Look to see if this password, and the user's hashed password can match
var passwordVerification = new PasswordHasher<User>().VerifyHashedPassword(this, this.HashedPassword, password);
// Return True if the verification was a success
return passwordVerification == PasswordVerificationResult.Success;

We will also mark the FullName and the Email as required since we'll use the email as the login, and we want to be able to address the user by name.

This class uses a custom setter for the Password, allowing us to set it from the API. That setter hashes the password and assigns the user's HashedPassword property (stored in the database)

We also have a method IsValidPassword that can identify if we have a valid password.

Generating a migration

Add the Users to the DatabaseContext class:

// Tell the context about the User collection/table
public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }

Add the migration:

dotnet ef migrations add CreateUserModel

After validating the migration looks good, run it:

dotnet ef database update
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