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React State Flow

Review our Tic Tac Toe Game

import React, { useState } from 'react'
type Square = 'X' | 'O' | ' '
type Row = [Square, Square, Square]
type Board = [Row, Row, Row]
type Game = {
board: Board
id: null | number
winner: null | string

function App() {
const [game, setGame] = useState<Game>({
board: [
[' ', ' ', ' '],
[' ', ' ', ' '],
[' ', ' ', ' '],
id: null,
winner: null,

async function handleClickCell(row: number, column: number) {
if (
// No game id === undefined ||
// A winner exists
game.winner ||
// The space isn't blank
game.board[row][column] !== ' '
) {
// Generate the URL we need
const url = `${}`
// Make an object to send as JSON
const body = { row: row, column: column }

// Make a POST request to make a move
const response = await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify(body),
if (response.ok) {
// Get the response as JSON
const newGame = (await response.json()) as Game
// Make that the new state!

async function handleNewGame() {
// Make a POST request to ask for a new game
const response = await fetch(
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
if (response.ok) {
// Get the response as JSON
const newGame = (await response.json()) as Game
// Make that the new state!

const header = game.winner ? `${game.winner} is the winner` : 'Tic Tac Toe'

return (
{header} - <button onClick={handleNewGame}>New</button>
{, rowIndex) => {
return, columnIndex) => {
return (
className={cell === ' ' ? '' : 'taken'}
onClick={() => handleClickCell(rowIndex, columnIndex)}

Let us extract a component for each cell!

Define the component right in the App.jsx

  • Copy/paste the implementation of a specific li
  • What else is needed?
export function Cell() {
return (
className={cell === ' ' ? '' : 'taken'}
onClick={() => handleClickCell(rowIndex, columnIndex)}


  • rowIndex
  • columnIndex
  • cell
  • something to handle clicking the cell

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to use the parent's state!?


  • Well, you cannot...

We can pass down the parts of state we need.

  • Pass down the cell's value
  • Pass down the row
  • Pass down the column

type CellProps = {
rowIndex: number
columnIndex: number
cell: string
export function Cell(props: CellProps) {
return (
className={props.cell === ' ' ? '' : 'taken'}
onClick={() => handleClickCell(props.rowIndex, props.columnIndex)}

Define a local click handler

type CellProps = {
rowIndex: number
columnIndex: number
cell: string
export function Cell(props: CellProps) {
function handleClickCell() {
console.log(`You clicked on ${props.rowIndex} and ${props.columnIndex}`)
return (
className={props.cell === ' ' ? '' : 'taken'}
onClick={() => handleClickCell(props.rowIndex, props.columnIndex)}

This is already better!

{, rowIndex) => {
return, columnIndex) => {
return (

But how do we dispatch the API and update the state?

  • The cell is a read-only prop in the Cell
  • If we did call the API in the cell, how can we transport the state to the parent?
  • Whatever to do?

State down

  • We are sending the state DOWN by doing something like cell={cell}
  • This sends the PARENT's state to the CHILD as props

Events up

  • We still have handleClickCell in the parent.
  • handleClickCell does what we need.
  • Rename it to recordMove
  • And pass the event handling function down to the child component


The Cell component can now call UP to the parent's recordMove

  • This is sending the event (something happened) to the parent

type CellProps = {
rowIndex: number
columnIndex: number
cell: string
recordMove: (rowIndex: number, columnIndex: number) => void
function handleClickCell() {
// Send the event UPwards by calling the `recordMove` function we were given
props.recordMove(props.rowIndex, props.columnIndex)

Conceptual Model - State Down

+----------------+ +--------------+
| App | | Cell |
| | | |
| State: | | Props: |
| board[r][c] -----------------> cell |
| row | | row |
| column | | column |
| | +-----------> recordMove |
| Functions: | | | |
| recordMove --------+ +--------------+
| |

Conceptual Model - Events Up


Cell Receives Click
Calls local onClick
Calls props.recordMove
which is a function.
But the function is *FROM*
the App, so that is the
context of where run


recordMove runs
in the App component
Calls the API
updates state
React sees that state
is updated and re-renders
React makes new `Cell`
components to replace
the old ones
There are new values
for `props.cell`
so the UI draws the
*current* game.

Code is more DRY

  • There is one place for each concept


  • The App

    • Deals with the API
    • Manages the state
    • Renders the board
    • Tells the Cell where it lives and what to do when clicked


  • The Cell
    • Draws its own UI (a li)
    • Knows its row and column
    • Knows its value and nothing else it needs
    • Handles a click
    • Calls the parent when clicked

Separation of Concerns

  • The Cell knows only what it needs
  • The App does not know or care how the Cell renders or handles clicks

Missing a Concern?

  • Maybe we need a Game component?

  • Could move the state and the ul rendering there.

  • Where would the New Game button go?

    • Likely move into the Game component and user interface


Extract that Cell component to a new file

Explore some cleanup using TypeScript syntax sugar

  • Object shortcut
const body = { row: row, column: column }
  • The key name row is the same as the name of the variable holding the value row
  • Shortcut (structuring the object):
const body = { row, column }

Flip side.

De-structuring the object

props.rowIndex, props.columnIndex, props.cell, props.recordMove, ...


  • If we have an object like
const person = {
name: 'Susan',
favoriteColor: 'green'
salary: 1000000

we can make local variables name, favoriteColor, and salary and initialize their values from the object

const { name, favoriteColor, salary } = person

const { name, favoriteColor, salary } = person
// ^ ^ ^ v
// | | | |
// | | | |
// ^--------^-------------^---------<

Notice the { } braces are on the left, and the object is on the right

Back to our Cell

type CellProps = {
rowIndex: number
columnIndex: number
cell: string
export function Cell(props) {
function handleClickCell() {
// Send the event UPwards by calling the `recordMove` function we were given
props.recordMove(props.rowIndex, props.columnIndex)
return (
className={props.cell === ' ' ? '' : 'taken'}
onClick={() => handleClickCell(props.rowIndex, props.columnIndex)}

Destructuring props at the top of a function

type CellProps = {
rowIndex: number
columnIndex: number
cell: string
export function Cell(props) {
const { rowIndex, columnIndex, cell, recordMove} = props
function handleClickCell() {
// Send the event UPwards by calling the `recordMove` function we were given
recordMove(rowIndex, columnIndex)
return (
className={cell === ' ' ? '' : 'taken'}
onClick={() => handleClickCell(rowIndex, columnIndex)}

We can destructure the props right in the function declaration.

type CellProps = {
rowIndex: number
columnIndex: number
cell: string
export function Cell({ rowIndex, columnIndex, cell, recordMove}) {
function handleClickCell() {
// Send the event UPwards by calling the `recordMove` function we were given
recordMove(rowIndex, columnIndex)
return (
className={cell === ' ' ? '' : 'taken'}
onClick={() => handleClickCell(rowIndex, columnIndex)}

  • ... makes it feel like the properties are nice local variables.
  • ... and that syntax is sometimes more straightforward and tidier.

[fit] State ↓

[fit] Events ↑

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