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Introduction to Joins

Relational Databases and Data Normalization

In this topic we are going to develop a database to keep information about movies. Along the way we will need to track information about the movie that isn't singular information. With a single table we store information in columns that is singular. We also want to avoid repeating information. For instance, the movie's title is a single piece of information while the list of actors in the cast are multiple pieces of information. Similarly, the rating (G, PG, etc) would be repeated information per row. We will learn how to create relations to store this information in separate tables and join / relate it back to the movies.

Creating our database

createdb SuncoastMovies

This is the database we will use for the rest of this discussion.

pgcli SuncoastMovies

Primary Keys

Since we will be relating information between multiple tables we need a way to uniquely identify a row of data in a table. This is known as the table's PRIMARY KEY and is a special attribute of the column that says that it uniquely identifies the row and also cannot repeat.

You might have an existing column that you feel uniquely identify the row. For instance, you might think that the movie's title would uniquely identify the movie. However, we know that sometimes a movie's title changes during the production, or even uses the name of a movie that has existed in the past. So if we used the title to uniquely identify it we would run into many issues.

Fortunately databases provide their own way of supplying a unique value for each row in the database. We call this the SERIAL column.

So when creating our Movie table we will use this schema:

"PrimaryDirector" TEXT,
"YearReleased" INT,
"Genre" TEXT

We now have a column Id that the database will ensure is unique and identifies the row (PRIMARY KEY) and is automatically generated sequentially by the database (SERIAL)

Let's add some movies to our database:

INSERT INTO "Movies" ("Title", "PrimaryDirector", "YearReleased", "Genre")
VALUES ('The Lost World', 'Steven Spielberg', 1997, 'sci-fi');
INSERT INTO "Movies" ("Title", "PrimaryDirector", "YearReleased", "Genre")
VALUES ('Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl', 'Gore Verbinski', 2003, 'fantasy');
INSERT INTO "Movies" ("Title", "PrimaryDirector", "YearReleased", "Genre")
VALUES ('Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire', 'Mike Newell', 2005, 'fantasy');
INSERT INTO "Movies" ("Title", "PrimaryDirector", "YearReleased", "Genre")
VALUES ('The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey', 'Peter Jackson', 2012, 'fantasy');
INSERT INTO "Movies" ("Title", "PrimaryDirector", "YearReleased", "Genre")
VALUES ('The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug', 'Peter Jackson', 2013, 'fantasy');
INSERT INTO "Movies" ("Title", "PrimaryDirector", "YearReleased", "Genre")
VALUES ('The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies', 'Peter Jackson', 2014, 'fantasy');
INSERT INTO "Movies" ("Title", "PrimaryDirector", "YearReleased", "Genre")
VALUES ('The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', 'Peter Jackson', 2003, 'fantasy');
INSERT INTO "Movies" ("Title", "PrimaryDirector", "YearReleased", "Genre")
VALUES ('The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring', 'Peter Jackson', 2001, 'fantasy');
INSERT INTO "Movies" ("Title", "PrimaryDirector", "YearReleased", "Genre")
VALUES ('The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers', 'Peter Jackson', 2002, 'fantasy');
INSERT INTO "Movies" ("Title", "PrimaryDirector", "YearReleased", "Genre")
VALUES ('Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy', 'Garth Jennings', 2005, 'sci-fi');
INSERT INTO "Movies" ("Title", "PrimaryDirector", "YearReleased", "Genre")
VALUES ('Cujo', 'Lewis Teague', 1983, 'horror');
INSERT INTO "Movies" ("Title", "PrimaryDirector", "YearReleased", "Genre")
VALUES ('It', 'Andrés Muschietti', 2017, 'horror');
INSERT INTO "Movies" ("Title", "PrimaryDirector", "YearReleased", "Genre")
VALUES ('It', 'Tommy Lee Wallace', 1990, 'horror');
INSERT INTO "Movies" ("Title", "PrimaryDirector", "YearReleased", "Genre")
VALUES ('Howls Moving Castle', 'Hayao Miyazaki', 2005, 'fantasy');

Foreign Keys

In order to keep track of the rating for any given movie we will add a single table, named Ratings that will store the name of the rating. Since we also want to uniquely identify the ratings, we'll ensure this table also has a serial primary key.

CREATE TABLE "Ratings" (
"Description" TEXT

Let's insert some ratings:

INSERT INTO "Ratings" ("Description") VALUES ('G');
INSERT INTO "Ratings" ("Description") VALUES ('PG');
INSERT INTO "Ratings" ("Description") VALUES ('PG-13');
INSERT INTO "Ratings" ("Description") VALUES ('R');

Let's also add a table to keep information about our actors. For this table we want to know the full name of the actor and their birthday. We'll also create an id that is a PRIMARY KEY and is SERIAL

"Birthday" DATE

Let's also insert some actors

INSERT INTO "Actors" ("FullName", "Birthday")
VALUES ('Orlando Bloom', '1977-01-13');
INSERT INTO "Actors" ("FullName", "Birthday")
VALUES ('Warwick Davis', '1970-02-03');
INSERT INTO "Actors" ("FullName", "Birthday")
VALUES ('Martin Freeman', '1971-09-08');

So now we have a way to identify each movie, rating, and actor. Next we will talk about how to relate the three sets of information together.

One to Many

When we have a relationship such as the ratings for a movie, we say that this is a "One to Many" relationship. That is, a movie has one rating (e.g. the movie Bambi is rated G), but a rating applies to many movies (e.g. there are many movies with a G rating)

When describing our database it is often useful to have a visualization of the structure. These diagrams are called Entity Relationship Diagrams, or ERDs

The ERD of our movies and ratings looks like the following. (NOTE We'll add in the actors soon...)

+----------------------------+ +-----------------------+
| Movies | | Ratings |
| | | |
| Id SERIAL | | |
| Title TEXT | | Id SERIAL |
| PrimaryDirector TEXT | | Description TEXT |
| YearReleased INT | | |
| Genre TEXT | +-----------------------+

Let's add a new column to our Movies to indicate WHICH rating is associated to each row representing a movie.

The column we are adding is a RatingId that is an integer since this is the same data type as a SERIAL which we are going to relate to. The NULL indicates that we are allowed to have no value and the value to place in the column when no data is present is NULL. Next we indicate that this is a foreign key (we are relating this table) to the Ratings table. We also specify the column in the other table, in this case Id in Ratings, we mean to match.


Now our ERD looks like this. The RatingId from Movies links (joins) us to the Ratings table

+----------------------------+ +-----------------------+
| Movies | | Ratings |
| | | |
| Id SERIAL | +---------> Id SERIAL |
| Title TEXT | | one | Description TEXT |
| PrimaryDirector TEXT | | | |
| YearReleased INT | | | |
| Genre TEXT | many | +-----------------------+
| RatingId INT <--------+
| |

Now we can specify the RatingId associated to each movie when we insert the movie.

UPDATE "Movies" SET "RatingId" = 2 WHERE "Id" IN (10);
UPDATE "Movies" SET "RatingId" = 3 WHERE "Id" IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 );
UPDATE "Movies" SET "RatingId" = 4 WHERE "Id" IN (11, 12, 13 );

Joining tables

So now that we have these two tables, how do we join them together so that we can retrieve information about movies and their ratings or get information about a rating and the associated movies.

Query movies and also get their rating

FROM "Movies"
JOIN "Ratings" ON "Movies"."RatingId" = "Ratings"."Id";
| Id | Title | PrimaryDirector | YearReleased | Genre | RatingId | Id | Description |
| 10 | Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy | Garth Jennings | 2005 | sci-fi | 2 | 2 | PG |
| 1 | The Lost World | Steven Spielberg | 1997 | sci-fi | 3 | 3 | PG-13 |
| 2 | Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl | Gore Verbinski | 2003 | fantasy | 3 | 3 | PG-13 |
| 3 | Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire | Mike Newell | 2005 | fantasy | 3 | 3 | PG-13 |
| 4 | The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey | Peter Jackson | 2012 | fantasy | 3 | 3 | PG-13 |
| 5 | The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug | Peter Jackson | 2013 | fantasy | 3 | 3 | PG-13 |
| 6 | The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies | Peter Jackson | 2014 | fantasy | 3 | 3 | PG-13 |
| 7 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King | Peter Jackson | 2003 | fantasy | 3 | 3 | PG-13 |
| 8 | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring | Peter Jackson | 2001 | fantasy | 3 | 3 | PG-13 |
| 9 | The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers | Peter Jackson | 2002 | fantasy | 3 | 3 | PG-13 |
| 11 | Cujo | Lewis Teague | 1983 | horror | 4 | 4 | R |
| 12 | It | Andrés Muschietti | 2017 | horror | 4 | 4 | R |
| 13 | It | Tommy Lee Wallace | 1990 | horror | 4 | 4 | R |

This query will give us movies and their ratings, but only for movies that have a RatingId that matches an Id from the ratings table. That is, any movie with a null value for RatingId (or a value that doesn't match an id) will not be in the results.

This default kind of join is called an INNER JOIN and can be seen in the diagram below

See this blog post for a more detailed description of the various joins.

If we want to see ALL the movies and include the ratings table information when there is a match we modify the query to use LEFT JOIN

Query for all movies that are "R", adding a WHERE clause

We can still add a WHERE clause when using a JOIN but now we specify the table and column we want to filter by. We do this since we have more than one table involved.

FROM "Movies"
JOIN "Ratings" ON "Movies"."RatingId" = "Ratings"."Id"
WHERE "Ratings"."Description" = 'R';
| Id | Title | PrimaryDirector | YearReleased | Genre | RatingId | Id | Description |
| 11 | Cujo | Lewis Teague | 1983 | horror | 4 | 4 | R |
| 12 | It | Andrés Muschietti | 2017 | horror | 4 | 4 | R |
| 13 | It | Tommy Lee Wallace | 1990 | horror | 4 | 4 | R |

Query all the movies and include ratings when possible

FROM "Movies"
LEFT JOIN "Ratings" ON "Movies"."RatingId" = "Ratings"."Id";
| Id | Title | PrimaryDirector | YearReleased | Genre | RatingId | Id | Description |
| 14 | Howls Moving Castle | Hayao Miyazaki | 2005 | fantasy | <null> | <null> | <null> |
| 10 | Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy | Garth Jennings | 2005 | sci-fi | 2 | 2 | PG |
| 1 | The Lost World | Steven Spielberg | 1997 | sci-fi | 3 | 3 | PG-13 |
| 2 | Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl | Gore Verbinski | 2003 | fantasy | 3 | 3 | PG-13 |
| 3 | Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire | Mike Newell | 2005 | fantasy | 3 | 3 | PG-13 |
| 4 | The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey | Peter Jackson | 2012 | fantasy | 3 | 3 | PG-13 |
| 5 | The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug | Peter Jackson | 2013 | fantasy | 3 | 3 | PG-13 |
| 6 | The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies | Peter Jackson | 2014 | fantasy | 3 | 3 | PG-13 |
| 7 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King | Peter Jackson | 2003 | fantasy | 3 | 3 | PG-13 |
| 8 | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring | Peter Jackson | 2001 | fantasy | 3 | 3 | PG-13 |
| 9 | The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers | Peter Jackson | 2002 | fantasy | 3 | 3 | PG-13 |
| 11 | Cujo | Lewis Teague | 1983 | horror | 4 | 4 | R |
| 12 | It | Andrés Muschietti | 2017 | horror | 4 | 4 | R |
| 13 | It | Tommy Lee Wallace | 1990 | horror | 4 | 4 | R |

The left join indicates that we want everything from the left table, in this case movies, and matches from the ratings table. For movies that have no matching ratings row the information will be null

Many to Many

For the list of actors in the cast we might say "A movie has many actors" but also "An actor has appeared in many movies." In this case we need to relate these two tables in a different way.

The ERD of this looks like:

+--------------------------------+ +---------------------------+
| Movies | | Ratings |
| | | |
| Title TEXT |many one| Description TEXT |
| PrimaryDirector TEXT +-----------+ |
| YearReleased INT | +---------------------------+
| Genre TEXT |
| RatingId INT |
| |
| many
| +-------------------------+
| | ACTORS |
| | |
| many | Id SERIAL |
+-------------------+ FullName TEXT |
| Birthday DATE |
| |

In the case of a many-to-many relationship we cannot place the foreign keys on either of the tables. In this case we need a third table, commonly referred to as a join table to store the relationships. In this table, we will place two foreign keys, one to the left (movies) and the other to the right (actors). We attempt to name this table based on the relationship between the two tables.

In this case we are trying to represent the relationship between a movie and the actors. We could call this relationship Roles.

"MovieId" INTEGER REFERENCES "Movies" ("Id"),
"ActorId" INTEGER REFERENCES "Actors" ("Id")
+--------------------------------+ +---------------------------+
| Movies | | Ratings |
| | | |
| Title TEXT | many one | Description TEXT |
| PrimaryDirector TEXT <-----------> |
| YearReleased INT | +---------------------------+
| Genre TEXT |
| RatingId INT |
| |
| one
| many
+-------v---------------+ +-------------------------+
| Roles | | Actors |
| | many one | |
| Id SERIAL <---------------> Id SERIAL |
| MovieId INT | | FullName TEXT |
| RatingId INT | | Birthday DATE |
| | | |
+-----------------------+ +-------------------------+

Create cast membership for Orlando Bloom in Pirates & LOTR. The three LOTR movies are id 7, 8, and 9. The Pirates movie is id 2. Orlando Bloom's id is 1

NOTE: In the queries below, -- is a SQL comments (like a JavaScript //)

-- The movie "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" had the actor "Orlando Bloom"
INSERT INTO "Roles" ("MovieId", "ActorId") VALUES (2,1);
-- The movie "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" had the actor "Orlando Bloom"
INSERT INTO "Roles" ("MovieId", "ActorId") VALUES (7,1);
-- The movie "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" had the actor "Orlando Bloom"
INSERT INTO "Roles" ("MovieId", "ActorId") VALUES (8,1);
-- The movie "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" had the actor "Orlando Bloom"
INSERT INTO "Roles" ("MovieId", "ActorId") VALUES (9,1);

Create cast membership for Warwick Davis in Harry Potter and Hitchhikers. Harry Potter's movie id is 3, and Warwick's actor id is 2

-- The movie "Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire" had the actor "Warwick Davis"
INSERT INTO "Roles" ("MovieId", "ActorId") VALUES (3,2);
-- The movie "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" had the actor "Warwick Davis"
INSERT INTO "Roles" ("MovieId", "ActorId") VALUES (10,2);

Create cast membership for Martin Freeman (actor id is 3) in the Hobbit (movie ids are 4, 5, and 6) & Hitchhikers (movie id 10)

-- The movie "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" had the actor "Martin Freeman"
INSERT INTO "Roles" ("MovieId", "ActorId") VALUES (4,3);
-- The movie "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug" had the actor "Martin Freeman"
INSERT INTO "Roles" ("MovieId", "ActorId") VALUES (5,3);
-- The movie "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies" had the actor "Martin Freeman"
INSERT INTO "Roles" ("MovieId", "ActorId") VALUES (6,3);
-- The movie "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" had the actor "Martin Freeman"
INSERT INTO "Roles" ("MovieId", "ActorId") VALUES (10,3);

Query for the casts and actors

In order to tie Movies to Actors we need to join the movies first to the Roles and then join the Roles to the actors. Since the Roles table has relations to each of these tables, it acts as the link in the chain between the two tables.

Notice for the actors entry Orlando Bloom there are multiple entries in roles since he has appeared in several of our movies.

SELECT "Movies"."Title", "Actors"."FullName"
FROM "Movies"
JOIN "Roles" ON "Roles"."MovieId" = "Movies"."Id"
JOIN "Actors" on "Actors"."Id" = "Roles"."ActorId";
| Title | FullName |
| Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl | Orlando Bloom |
| The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King | Orlando Bloom |
| The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring | Orlando Bloom |
| The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers | Orlando Bloom |
| Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire | Warwick Davis |
| Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy | Warwick Davis |
| The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey | Martin Freeman |
| The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug | Martin Freeman |
| The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies | Martin Freeman |
| Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy | Martin Freeman |

Adding information to the join table.

What if we wanted to capture the name of the character the actor played? Where would we put that attribute (column). It can't go on the Movies table since it isn't distinct to a movie. It can't go on the Actors table since it isn't unique to that either. The correct place here is to place that column on the Roles table.

Let's call this new column CharacterName and add it to the Roles table.


Now that we have done that, we can add in a few character names. In order to know what rows to update, lets add the Roles.Id to our query above.

SELECT "Roles"."Id", "Movies"."Title", "Actors"."FullName", "Roles"."CharacterName"
FROM "Movies"
JOIN "Roles" ON "Roles"."MovieId" = "Movies"."Id"
JOIN "Actors" on "Actors"."Id" = "Roles"."ActorId";
| Id | Title | FullName | CharacterName |
| 1 | Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl | Orlando Bloom | <null> |
| 2 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King | Orlando Bloom | <null> |
| 3 | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring | Orlando Bloom | <null> |
| 4 | The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers | Orlando Bloom | <null> |
| 5 | Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire | Warwick Davis | <null> |
| 6 | Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy | Warwick Davis | <null> |
| 7 | The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey | Martin Freeman | <null> |
| 8 | The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug | Martin Freeman | <null> |
| 9 | The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies | Martin Freeman | <null> |
| 10 | Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy | Martin Freeman | <null> |

Now lets update the roles for all of our actors

-- Orlando Bloom played Will Turner in Pirates (ID 1)
UPDATE "Roles" SET "CharacterName" = 'Will Turner' WHERE "Id" IN (1);
-- Orlando Bloom played Legolas in the Lord of the Rings movies
UPDATE "Roles" SET "CharacterName" = 'Legolas' WHERE "Id" IN (2,3,4);
-- Warwick Davis played Filius Flitwick in Harry Potter (5)
UPDATE "Roles" SET "CharacterName" = 'Filius Flitwick' WHERE "Id" IN (5);
-- Warwick Davis played Marvin in Hitchhikers (6)
UPDATE "Roles" SET "CharacterName" = 'Marvin' WHERE "Id" IN (6);
-- Martin Freeman played Bilbo in all three Hobbit movies (IDs 7, 8, and 9)
UPDATE "Roles" SET "CharacterName" = 'Bilbo' WHERE "Id" IN (7,8,9);
-- Martin Freeman played Arthur Dent in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (role ID 10)
UPDATE "Roles" SET "CharacterName" = 'Arthur Dent' WHERE "Id" IN (10);

Let's see what our query looks like now:

| Id | Title | FullName | CharacterName |
| 1 | Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl | Orlando Bloom | Will Turner |
| 2 | The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King | Orlando Bloom | Legolas |
| 3 | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring | Orlando Bloom | Legolas |
| 4 | The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers | Orlando Bloom | Legolas |
| 5 | Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire | Warwick Davis | Filius Flitwick |
| 6 | Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy | Warwick Davis | Marvin |
| 7 | The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey | Martin Freeman | Bilbo |
| 8 | The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug | Martin Freeman | Bilbo |
| 9 | The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies | Martin Freeman | Bilbo |
| 10 | Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy | Martin Freeman | Arthur Dent |


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