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CSVComma Separated Values, a structure for storing data into a file.
CsvHelperA Library package that allows our program to read and write CSV files.
StreamWriterThe purpose of this is to accept information and send it into the requested file we indicate to it (e.g. var fileWriter = new StreamWriter("numbers.csv");).
CsvWriterCode that knows how to write in the CSV format to the fileWriter (e.g. var csvWriter = new CsvWriter(fileWriter, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);).
CultureInfo.InvariantCultureIndicates that we do not want any specific formatting of strings or numbers in our file (e.g. don't format numbers like 12000 as 12,000 or 12.000).
StreamReaderLoads the data from our CSV file.
CsvReaderReads the data from our CSV file.
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