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ConsoleThis is a term for your Terminal or Powershell when running and interacting with an application
Console.WriteLine("");Is a tool to interact with the user when coding a C# application. This can display important data or ask for information from the user. This will display whatever is written within the "" and generate a new line.
Console.Write("");Is a tool to interact with the user when coding a C# application. This can display important data or ask for information from the user. This will display whatever is written within the "" and will not generate a new line.
Console.ReadLine()Is a tool to wait for the users input and reads the input as a string. Generally assigned to a variable to store the response.
\nIs a special sequence that represents a blank line. This is generally used in a Write or WriteLine to format what is displaying to the user. This will output two blank lines, one for the Write or WriteLine and one because we included \n.
dotnet runWhen in a dotnet project directory if you type dotnet run it will run the program once.
dotnet watch runWhen in a dotnet project directory if you type dotnet watch run it will run the program once. Then it waits for a file to be saved, and then runs the program again with the new saved change.
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