Add support for reviews
Add support for reviews
We can now add support for restaurant reviews.
Database model
The first thing we will do is add a POCO
model representing the Review
Notice we include the RestaurantId
since one Review
belongs to one
. We also set a default date for the CreatedAt and make its set
method private so that it cannot be set via the API.
using System;namespace TacoTuesday.Models{public class Review{public int Id { get; set; }public string Summary { get; set; }public string Body { get; set; }public int Stars { get; set; }public DateTime CreatedAt { get; private set; } = DateTime.Now;public int RestaurantId { get; set; }public Restaurant Restaurant { get; set; }}}
After adding this model we also add the review to the DatabaseContext
// Tell the context about the Review collection/tablepublic DbSet<Review> Reviews { get; set; }
Now we can create the migration.
dotnet ef migrations add AddReviews
and we can update the database
dotnet ef database update
We also need to indicate that the Restaurant
has many Reviews
. We do this
by adding a List
based property to the Restaurant
public List<Review> Reviews { get; set; }
The Reviews
property will allow us to navigate in code from a single
restaurant to the list of associated reviews.
Restaurant API should return their associated reviews
On the main listing, we want the count of reviews and on an individual restaurant page, we want the list of all reviews.
To achieve these, we will use the Include
method of EF Core to incorporate
this data into our API response.
Change the logic in GetRestaurants
if (filter == null){return await _context.Restaurants.OrderBy(restaurant => restaurant.Id).Include(restaurant => restaurant.Reviews).ToListAsync();}else{return await _context.Restaurants.OrderBy(restaurant => restaurant.Id).Where(restaurant => restaurant.Name.Contains(filter)).Include(restaurant => restaurant.Reviews).ToListAsync();}
So that now each restaurant will also include an array of reviews.
NOTE: This is not the most efficient implementation. Imagine if our site became popular and started to receive heavy traffic. To display our homepage, we would be fetching all the restaurants AND the complete list of reviews to count them. We'll review more efficient approaches in a later step. For now, we'll go with this approach. Remember to focus on working code before perfect code.
Update the exampledata.sql
to generate reviews
Add the following SQL to our seeds and rerun them to populate the database with a few reviews.
-- Ensure we truncate the table and restart the identity, so our Id column starts at 1 each timeTRUNCATE TABLE "Restaurants", "Reviews" RESTART IDENTITY;INSERT INTO "Restaurants" ("Name", "Description", "Address", "Telephone") VALUES ('Thoughtbeat', 'Inverse zero administration benchmark', '07 Meadow Vale Drive', '314-651-9791');INSERT INTO "Restaurants" ("Name", "Description", "Address", "Telephone") VALUES ('Dabtype', 'Organized stable firmware', '7 Miller Park', '523-760-6681');INSERT INTO "Restaurants" ("Name", "Description", "Address", "Telephone") VALUES ('Topdrive', 'Object-based interactive application', '65 Eliot Lane', '650-993-7074');INSERT INTO "Restaurants" ("Name", "Description", "Address", "Telephone") VALUES ('Avaveo', 'Persistent zero defect process improvement', '2 Clarendon Junction', '715-663-5265');INSERT INTO "Reviews" ("RestaurantId", "CreatedAt", "Summary", "Body", "Stars") VALUES (1, '2020-01-01 14:23:55', 'Yummy Food', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Minima modi impedit quisquam sit, saepe enim placeat a vero voluptas asperiores atque laudantium in, nobis sunt blanditiis dignissimos. Deleniti, esse optio!', 3);INSERT INTO "Reviews" ("RestaurantId", "CreatedAt", "Summary", "Body", "Stars") VALUES (1, '2020-01-01 18:23:55', 'Mmmmm, good', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Minima modi impedit quisquam sit, saepe enim placeat a vero voluptas asperiores atque laudantium in, nobis sunt blanditiis dignissimos. Deleniti, esse optio!', 4);
psql --file=Models/exampledata.sql TacoTuesdayDatabase
Updating the interface to return the list of reviews
First, we need to add a type definition for a review in types.ts
export type ReviewType = {id?: numbersummary: stringbody: stringstars: numbercreatedAt?: stringrestaurantId: number}
is astring
because there is noDate
type in JSON.
Then we can update the RestaurantType
to reflect that it has an array of
export type RestaurantType = {id?: numbername: stringdescription: stringaddress: stringtelephone: stringreviews: ReviewType[]}
Then in the Restaurant.tsx
, we will add reviews: []
to our NullRestaurant
so that our initial state will have an empty array of reviews.
const NullRestaurant: RestaurantType = {name: '',address: '',description: '',telephone: '',reviews: [],}
And in NewRestaurant.tsx
, we will need to update the default state:
const [newRestaurant, setNewRestaurant] = useState<RestaurantType>({name: '',description: '',address: '',telephone: '',reviews: [],})
We can now use that to count these in the user interface in
Change the hardcoded:
Now add a similar Include
code in the controller with GetRestaurant
// Find the restaurant in the database using Include to ensure we have the associated reviewsvar restaurant = await _context.Restaurants.Include(restaurant => restaurant.Reviews).Where(restaurant => restaurant.Id == id).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
We are going to use the reviews
property of the restaurant object to render
each individual review. This is why having an "empty" representation of the
restaurant in the state is useful.
Change the hardcoded:
Updating the JSX for showing the list of reviews, we use map
to loop over the
(again, why that default state of reviews: []
is so
important). We also only generate this part of the JSX if there are more than
zero reviews.
Replace the contents of <ul className="reviews">
<ul className="reviews">{ => (<li key={}><div className="author">Gavin said: <em>{review.summary}</em></div><div className="body"><p>{review.body}</p></div><div className="meta"><spanclassName="stars"style={{ '--rating': review.stars } as CSSStarsProperties}aria-label={`Star rating of this location is ${review.stars} out of 5.`}></span><time>{review.createdAt}</time></div></li>))}</ul>
We should see one restaurant that has two reviews (based on our seed data)
You will also notice that there are some features we haven't finished.
- Each entry still says "Gavin says" -- We can fix this once we introduce the idea of users
- The date formatting needs improvement.
We will come back and revise this in a later step.