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Create Your First Controllers

Creating our initial controller to serve a list of restaurants

Now that we have migrations, a database, and some sample data, let's create a controller to generate endpoints for Create, Read, Update, and Delete restaurants. This controller will give us the C R U D style interface we will use from our front end.

Using an automation tool to create the initial controller

One of the dotnet tools we installed is called aspnet-codegenerator. This tool can generate a controller for us. This controller will do many, but not all, of the things we need our controller to do.

To use this controller, we will run this command line:

dotnet aspnet-codegenerator controller --model Restaurant -name RestaurantsController --useAsyncActions -api --dataContext DatabaseContext --relativeFolderPath Controllers

Here we are telling the codegenerator to create a controller named RestaurantsController. We wish to use async controller actions, that we are generating an API style controller (as opposed to one that renders HTML views). The model used with this controller is Restaurant, our database context class is named DatabaseContext, and our controller folder is Controllers.

If we were generating a controller for a different model, we would change the --name and the --model arguments. All the others would remain the same.

When done we will have a RestaurantsController.cs file with a controller that has the following routes:

// GET: api/Restaurants
// Returns a list of all your Restaurants
// GET: api/Restaurants/5
// Fetches and returns a specific restaurant by finding it by id. The id is specified in the
// URL. In the sample URL above, it is the `5`. The "{id}" in the [HttpGet("{id}")] is what tells dotnet
// to grab the id from the URL. It is then made available to us as the `id` argument to the method.
// PUT: api/Restaurants/5
// Update an individual restaurant with the requested id. The id is specified in the URL.
// In the sample URL above, it is the `5`. The "{id} in the [HttpPut("{id}")] is what tells dotnet
// to grab the id from the URL. It is then made available to us as the `id` argument to the method.
// In addition, the `body` of the request is parsed and then made available to us as a Restaurant
// variable named restaurant. The controller matches the keys of the JSON object the client
// supplies to the names of the attributes of our Restaurant POCO class. This represents the
// new values for the record.
// POST: api/Restaurants
// Creates a new restaurant in the database.
// The `body` of the request is parsed and then made available to us as a Restaurant
// variable named restaurant. The controller matches the keys of the JSON object the client
// supplies to the names of the attributes of our Restaurant POCO class. This represents the
// new values for the record.
// DELETE: api/Restaurants/5
// Deletes an individual restaurant with the requested id. The id is specified in the URL.
// In the sample URL above, it is the `5`. The "{id} in the [HttpDelete("{id}")] is what tells dotnet
// to grab the id from the URL. It is then made available to us as the `id` argument to the method.

NOTE: The method implementations are not listed above

If we are running our application, we can open up http://localhost:5000/swagger in our browser and see an API documentation page:


Here we can see the API endpoints that were generated by the code generator.

What is that /api/ before each of the URLs?

You may have noticed that there is a prefix of /api before each URL in our controller. We have added this for a specific reason. Take a moment and see if you can think of some good reasons.

The best reason for adding this prefix is to avoid name collisions. Soon we will start to build more and more URLs for our front end. If our front end and our API are both served from the same server, we might have an overlap of URLs, and it won't be able to tell if we mean the front end route or potentially a backend API endpoint. As such, we prefix and reserve the path /api/ for anything to do with our backend API resources.

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