Formatting dates
Formatting dates
You may have noticed that the dates displayed for a review are not
user-friendly. We are getting values such as 2020-07-06T22:34:42.721481
. Let
us look at an approach to format these dates.
There are two popular libraries for formatting dates:
date-fns and moment. In this
application, we will use date-fns
to format dates.
To add the javascript library, use the following steps:
From the ClientApp
npm install date-fns
The format function from date-fns
has useful configuration options.
First, import the format function:
import format from 'date-fns/format'
We want a format such as: "Monday, July 6th, 2020 at 10:50 PM". To generate this, we need to review the documentation for all the tokens to apply in the format.
day of the weekMMMM
day of the monthyyyy
calendar yearh
AM or PM
So our format string is:
const dateFormat = `EEEE, MMMM do, yyyy 'at' h:mm aaa`
Then to use this, we need to convert review.createdAt
to a Date
object and
pass that and the format string to the format
function from date-fns
<time>{review.createdAt ? format(new Date(review.createdAt), dateFormat) : null}</time>
Another excellent option might use a relative time (e.g. 20 days ago
) if the
review is recent (perhaps in the last month) and the long descriptive time if it
is older than that.
Look into date-fns
differenceInDays as an
example of how to perform this type of logic.