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View a single restaurant

Viewing a single restaurant

Setting up a route

We can add a route to view a specific restaurant in App.tsx.

export function App() {
return (
<Route exact path="/">
<Restaurants />
<Route exact path="/new">
<NewRestaurant />
<Route exact path="/restaurants/:id">
<Restaurant />

Updating the Restaurant component to use router

Inside any component rendered due to a <Route> match, we can add const params = useParams() to get a variable, params, that will tell us the matching parameters in the path= part of the route.

In this case, we want the :id from <Route path="/restaurants/:id"> so we can add this to the beginning of the method:

const { id } = useParams<{ id: string }>()

With this, we can add a useQuery that fetches the restaurant.

First, we will define a function for fetching the restaurant:

async function loadOneRestaurant(id: string) {
const response = await fetch(`/api/restaurants/${id}`)
if (response.ok) {
return response.json()
} else {
throw await response.json()

We will also define a NullRestaurant that will represent the default value of our object when there is no data being returned from react query.

const NullRestaurant: RestaurantType = {
name: '',
address: '',
description: '',
telephone: '',

With this setup, we can add a useQuery.

const { data: restaurant = NullRestaurant } = useQuery<RestaurantType>(
['one-restaurant', id],
() => loadOneRestaurant(id)

Notice that we use the id in the useQuery name, along with a unique label of one-restaurant. This way, if the id changes, we will load a new restaurant. Also, notice that since we need to pass the id to the function, we'll use an inline arrow function to call loadOneRestaurant and provide the id

Update the component to show dynamic data

Locate all the hardcoded information in the component and replace it with dynamic data.

An example of such a change is:

<address>8005 Benjamin Rd, Tampa, FL 33634</address>

Update the main restaurant listing to use react router links

We will update the SingleRestaurantFromList to make the name a clickable Link.

<Link to={`/restaurants/${}`}>{}</Link>

Update the restaurant page <a> link for home

Replace it with:

<Link to="/">
<i className="fa fa-home"></i>
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