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Showing the Reviewer Name for a Review

Showing the Reviewer Name for a Review

Our design shows the name of the reviewer along with the review. Let's add support for that.

In the RestaurantController we will modify the HttpGet for a single restaurant to include the User in the list of associated models we fetch.

var restaurant = await _context.Restaurants.
Include(restaurant => restaurant.Reviews).
ThenInclude(review => review.User).
Where(restaurant => restaurant.Id == id).FirstOrDefaultAsync();

We should update the exampledata.sql to specify a UserId for each of the reviews. We'll give it a value of 1 even though we don't have any Users -- whatever user we create first will get those reviews.

-- Ensure we truncate the table and restart the identity so our Id column starts at 1 each time
TRUNCATE TABLE "Restaurants", "Reviews", "Users" RESTART IDENTITY;
-- Ensure we have a user to associate to the reviews below
INSERT INTO "Users" ("FullName", "Email", "HashedPassword") VALUES ('Sarah', '', 'xxxxx');
INSERT INTO "Users" ("FullName", "Email", "HashedPassword") VALUES ('Mary', '', 'xxxxx');
INSERT INTO "Restaurants" ("Name", "Description", "Address", "Telephone", "UserId") VALUES ('Thoughtbeat', 'Inverse zero administration benchmark', '07 Meadow Vale Drive', '314-651-9791', 1);
INSERT INTO "Restaurants" ("Name", "Description", "Address", "Telephone", "UserId") VALUES ('Dabtype', 'Organized stable firmware', '7 Miller Park', '523-760-6681', 2);
INSERT INTO "Restaurants" ("Name", "Description", "Address", "Telephone", "UserId") VALUES ('Topdrive', 'Object-based interactive application', '65 Eliot Lane', '650-993-7074', 1);
INSERT INTO "Restaurants" ("Name", "Description", "Address", "Telephone", "UserId") VALUES ('Avaveo', 'Persistent zero defect process improvement', '2 Clarendon Junction', '715-663-5265', 2);
INSERT INTO "Reviews" ("RestaurantId", "CreatedAt", "Summary", "Body", "Stars", "UserId") VALUES (1, '2020-01-01 14:23:55', 'Yummy Food', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Minima modi impedit quisquam sit, saepe enim placeat a vero voluptas asperiores atque laudantium in, nobis sunt blanditiis dignissimos. Deleniti, esse optio!', 3, 1);
INSERT INTO "Reviews" ("RestaurantId", "CreatedAt", "Summary", "Body", "Stars", "UserId") VALUES (1, '2020-01-01 18:23:55', 'Mmmmm, good', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Minima modi impedit quisquam sit, saepe enim placeat a vero voluptas asperiores atque laudantium in, nobis sunt blanditiis dignissimos. Deleniti, esse optio!', 4, 1);

Update the ReviewType to indicate we know the associated user:

export type ReviewType = {
id: number | undefined
summary: string
body: string
stars: number
createdAt: Date
restaurantId: number
user: {
id: number
fullName: string
email: string

This will cause an issue with our existing use for creating a state. For now we'll create a new type NewReviewType to handle this:

export type NewReviewType = {
id: number | undefined
summary: string
body: string
stars: number
createdAt: Date
restaurantId: number

In Restaurant.tsx:

const [newReview, setNewReview] = useState<NewReviewType>({
id: undefined,
body: '',
stars: 5,
summary: '',
createdAt: new Date(),
restaurantId: Number(id),


async function submitNewReview(review: NewReviewType) {

Then in the Restaurant.tsx we can access the user information.

<div className="author">
{review.user.fullName} said: <em>{review.summary}</em>
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