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Storing the User that Created Restaurants and Reviews

Storing the User that Created Restaurants and Reviews

If we want to store the user that created a restaurant or a review, we need to add some details to the models. Specifically, we will need to store the UserId value in both of these models.

Add the following to both Restaurant and Review

public int UserId { get; set; }
public User User { get; set; }

Once added, we can run a single migration that will update both of these tables.

dotnet ef migrations add AddUserIdToRestaurantAndReview

and run the migrations

dotnet ef database update

We could have the client send their Id along with the request to create a restaurant and review. However, the current user id is not data we want to trust to the API. Since anyone could change that value when sending a request we want the server to control associating that data. Thus, we want to provide the two controllers with a way to determine the current user's id.

We can add a helper to our controller just after the last method of the controller in RestaurantsController.cs

// Private helper method to get the JWT claim related to the user ID
private int GetCurrentUserId()
// Get the User Id from the claim and then parse it as an integer.
return int.Parse(User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(claim => claim.Type == "Id").Value);

We can then use this in our PostRestaurant method to help ensure we have user IDs assigned.

To require a user to be logged in (have a valid JWT) add this line before the PostRestaurant method:

[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme)]

To assign a user to the restaurant, we will add this code to the beginning of the PostRestaurant implementation:

// Set the UserID to the current user id, this overrides anything the user specifies.
restaurant.UserId = GetCurrentUserId();

Finally, lets send our authorization header token when making the request in NewRestaurant.tsx. The ...authHeader() means to take all the information that authHeader returns and add those keys and corresponding values to the collection of headers.

headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', Authorization: authHeader() },

Then we will make similar updates in the ReviewsController.

To assign a user to the review, we will add this code to the beginning of the PostReview implementation:

// Set the UserID to the current user id, this overrides anything the user specifies.
review.UserId = GetCurrentUserId();

Update Restaurant.tsx:

headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', Authorization: authHeader() },
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