Using the Authentication Information
Using the Authentication Information
Navigation Buttons
Let's update the sign in and sign up buttons/links to only display if the user is not logged in
{isLoggedIn() ? null : <Link to="/signin">Sign in</Link>}{isLoggedIn() ? null : <Link to="/signup">Sign up</Link>}
Here we test if the user is logged in, and if they are not then we show the
. This works since isLoggedIn()
returns either true
or false
-- If
the value is false
, JavaScript will interpret and return the second part of
the boolean logic, which is the <Link>
-- If the value is true
renders that. React renders a value of true
as nothing. This code effectively
only shows the links if the user is not logged in.
We can add a Sign out
{isLoggedIn() ? (<ahref="/"className="link"onClick={function (event) {event.preventDefault()handleLogout()}}>Sign out</a>) : null}
This code only shows the logout button if the user is logged in.
We will also add a method to handle the logout:
function handleLogout() {logout()window.location.assign('/')}
Now let's only show the avatar, welcome message, and create new restaurant if the user is logged in.
To determine the user, we'll add a call to getUser
from auth.js
const user = getUser()
and then we can use that in place of the user's hardcoded name:
{isLoggedIn() ? <p>Welcome back, {user.fullName}!</p> : null}
We haven't added an avatar image upload for the user, so we'll leave this hard coded for the moment.
{isLoggedIn() ? (<li className="avatar"><img src={avatar} alt="Steve's Avatar" height="64" width="64" /></li>) : null}
And to update the add new restaurant button:
{isLoggedIn() ? (<Link to="/new"><i className="fa fa-plus"></i> Restaurant</Link>) : null}
Hide the "New Review" form unless logged in
We will wrap the <h3>
and the <form>
in a fragment tag to place them in a
group. We then use a ternary operator with isLoggedIn()
that will show that
JSX for logged-in users.
{isLoggedIn() ? (<><h3>Enter your own review</h3><form onSubmit={handleNewReviewSubmit}>{/* all the form contents not shown here */}</form></>) : null}