State maps to User Interface
In the lesson on using TypeScript to modify the DOM, we
discussed how to use TypeScript to find and manipulate user interface elements.
Two examples of this are toggle the state of an element each time we click it
and updating a counter when a separate button is clicked. In each of these
cases, we are modifying some state
of the user interface when responding to
some change.
We could implement the case of toggle the state of an element each time we click it as:
import './style.css'const buttonElement = document.querySelector('button')if (buttonElement) {buttonElement.addEventListener('click', function (event) {const clickedElement = as HTMLElementif (clickedElement) {clickedElement.classList.toggle('enabled')}})}
We can use optional chaining to shorten the code:
document.querySelector('button')?.addEventListener('click', function (event) {const target = as HTMLElement | nulltarget?.classList.toggle('enabled')})
This would turn a specific class on the element on and off. In this case, we are using the presence of the class to indicate the state.
We could implement the case of updating a counter when a separate button is clicked as:
let counter = 0document.querySelector('button')?.addEventListener('click', function () {counter++const counterElement = document.querySelector<HTMLElement>('.counterElement')if (counterElement) {counterElement.innerText = `${counter}`}})
Here we are using a local variable to track the state of the count and then manually updating the user interface.
What if the user interface was simply a representation of state?
Let's take our simple example of the counter. What if we did not have to manually adjust the user interface each time we changed the counter? That is what if the logic flow was as follows:
initialize counter to 0=> User Interface Displays Automatically 0=> Wait for Click=> Update Counter=> User Interface Automatically Displays 1
That is changing the counter
automatically maps to the user interface
The idea is this:
State <== Transforms Into ===> User Interface
Our user interface is nothing more than a user-friendly way to show and update the state of our data.
Let's look at a more complex example.
State <=== Transform ===> User InterfaceTransaction1 Transaction1Transaction2 Transaction2Transaction3 Transaction3Transaction4 Transaction4Transaction5 Transaction5Transaction6 Transaction6Checking BalanceSavings balanceMake Deposit Button
Assume the user clicks the Make Deposit Button
-- This is the logic we might
- Wait for the transaction button click
- Add a transaction to the list
- Recompute a new total balance
- Find the correct balance element (checking or savings)
- Update that with the new total
- Add the transaction to the UI
And then see the following:
State <=== Transform ===> User InterfaceTransaction1 Transaction1Transaction2 Transaction2Transaction3 Transaction3Transaction4 Transaction4Transaction5 Transaction5Transaction6 Transaction6Transaction7 Transaction7Checking Balance (updated)Savings balanceMake Deposit Button
What if the logic was:
- Wait for the transaction button click
- Add a transaction to the list
- Redisplay the UI
What do we need in order to support this?
Let's look at what the data behind this looks like:
State <=== Transform ===> User Interfacetransactions = [ <ul>transaction1, <li>Transaction1</li>transaction2, <li>Transaction2</li>transaction3, <li>Transaction3</li>transaction4, <li>Transaction4</li>transaction5, <li>Transaction5</li>transaction6, <li>Transaction6</li>transaction7, <li>Transaction7</li>] </ul>checking = transactions. Checking Balance (updated)Where(checking). Savings balanceSum()Make Deposit Button
If we step back and look at our list of transactions as an array
(or List
of <li>
, we would see that they match the elements of our transactions array.
If we could use map
to transform the array of transaction
objects in our
into a series of li
s contained within the ul
, then this would be a
repeatable process that could happen any time our list of transactions was
The same is true of the checking
variable. If the user interface was simply
drawn based on the variables either directly in the case of checking
or using
a tool like map
in the case of transactions
, then to update the interface,
we would only need to update the variables (state) in our application.
What might this code look like?
interface Transaction {account: stringamount: numberdetails: string}// Or maybe load these from a file or an APIconst transactions: Transaction[] = []function render() {const checking = transactions.filter(transaction => transaction.account === 'Checking').reduce((total, transaction) => total + transaction.amount, 0)const savings = transactions.filter(transaction => transaction.account === 'Savings').reduce((total, transaction) => total + transaction.amount, 0)const html = `<ul>${ => `<li>${transaction.details}<li>`).join('')}</ul><p>Checking Balance: ${checking}</p><p>Savings Balance: ${savings}</p><button>Make Deposit</button>`const body = document.querySelector('body')if (body) {body.innerHTML = html}const button = document.querySelector('button')if (button) {button.addEventListener('click', function () {// Make a new transaction and add itconst newTransaction: Transaction = {amount: 50,account: 'Checking',details: 'Payment for Work',}transactions.push(newTransaction)render()})}}
So now, each time we change our transactions
, we can redraw the user
interface. When an event happens, we update our state and then ask our
interface to render itself.
We have a setup that looks like this:
State ====> User interface^ || || vUpdate <==== Event
State feeds UI, UI feeds state
In this approach, we have almost a circular nature. That is, our state
(variables) will force a redrawing of our user interface. Our user interface
will react to events that happen and call our callback
update methods. Those
callbacks will then update state, which will cause our user interface to update.
Start to look at applications differently
Start to look at your favorite web applications and see if you can picture what
the internal state objects look like for it? How do those get transformed
into user interface elements? How do the events on the page update that state?
For example, Gmail
(or whatever web email you might use) is simply a
visualization of a collection of emails. They may be categorized (filter
) and
counted (reduce
) and displayed in a <table>
), but it is still a
transformation of some internal state to a user interface.
Coding style
This approach leads to a specific coding style that we will use to build many
web applications. We won't be writing HTML embedded in interpolated strings
since that becomes unmanageable very quickly. We'll be using a front-end library
named React