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Code wars

Code Wars is a great site to practice your problem solving in a variety of languages. This site is focused on practicing problem solving and is a great way to work on your PEDAC skills. Code wars is a very community orientated and driven as many of the problems are submitted by fellow developers. You can also review, once you solve a problem, the other solutions users have submitted. You can also join the "Suncoast Developers Guild" clan and have a friendly competition for codewar points amongst your classmates and alumni.

The site is organized into challenges that have a kyu . This kyu is a community driven estimate to how hard a given challenge is. 8 kyu is the easiest and a great place to start for beginners.

Organizing your codewars solutions

Keeping track of your codewar solutions is helpful in several ways:

  1. You can track your progress over time
  2. You can share your solutions with peers to discuss different algorithm and syntax approaches.
  3. You get GitHub commit credits on your daily commit chart
  4. Employers will see GitHub activity on a consistent basis if you are continually practicing

Our example kata template repository

We have created a sample structure for organizing codewars solutions:

Katas Template

The structure of the project gives you a place to keep coding practice results from many sites (not just codewars) and directories within organize code by language and then by the difficulty.

└── codewars
├── csharp
│   ├── 1-kyu
│   ├── 2-kyu
│   ├── 3-kyu
│   ├── 4-kyu
│   ├── 5-kyu
│   ├── 6-kyu
│   ├── 7-kyu
│   └── 8-kyu
├── javascript
│   ├── 1-kyu
│   ├── 2-kyu
│   ├── 3-kyu
│   ├── 4-kyu
│   ├── 5-kyu
│   ├── 6-kyu
│   ├── 7-kyu
│   └── 8-kyu
├── sql
│   ├── 1-kyu
│   ├── 2-kyu
│   ├── 3-kyu
│   ├── 4-kyu
│   ├── 5-kyu
│   ├── 6-kyu
│   ├── 7-kyu
│   └── 8-kyu
└── typescript
├── 1-kyu
├── 2-kyu
├── 3-kyu
├── 4-kyu
├── 5-kyu
├── 6-kyu
├── 7-kyu
└── 8-kyu

To make your own copy of this project

We will be using the degit tool to make a local copy of this repository. We will install this tool if we have not done so already.

npm install --global degit

Next we will make a copy of the repository locally.

Navigate to the folder where you keep your projects (adjust this if this is not the directory you chose)

cd ~/sdg

Download the project template:

degit suncoast-devs/katas-template katas-template

Navigate into the template directory:

cd katas-template

Initialize your own GitHub copy of the template:

git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial Commit"
hub create
git push

Now you will have your own copy of the kata template and can put your codewars solutions within.

© 2017 - 2022; Built with ♥ in St. Petersburg, Florida.