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Common Setup

Common Setup

The tools in this section are required to be setup for any of the units in the program. These will be setup on your first day of class.


Slack will be our main form of communication. You will communicate with your instructors and SDG staff via Slack. You will get notifications of homework, links to resources, and be able to ask for help from peers and staff via Slack.

Download it to you computer; if you have a smart phone, I highly recommend installing the app.


Open your browser and download the desktop client for your platform.

Open your phone's application store and install the mobile application and sign in at least once.


You should have received an invitation to several Slack Teams

SDG maintains two main Slack Teams:

  • sdg-sa is for students and alumni only
  • suncoast-devs is a general Tampa Bay community team that includes over 1,300 members.


Your github account is where you will be storing all of the work you do in these lessons and assignments. It will become part of your portfolio or work and document your journey of learning.

It is also how you will be tracking your assignments and turning in your homework.

Creating a github account

Start by following the Sign Up link on github's home page.

Choosing a username - We recommend using a version of your given name. This would be a version of the name you would put at the top of the resume you'd send a prospective employer. You might be tempted to select a username like kewldev98 but remember that a hiring manager WILL seek out your github page and you want it to have a professional feel.

Uploading a profile photo

Use a good headshot photo - Use the best photo you have of you that shows your face. We recommend this because you want other developers, hiring managers, and companies to start recognizing you. Use your best photo. If you need a professional photo let us know and we can help.

Setup Your GitHub Token


To setup hub we will need an API token from GitHub.

Follow the Creating a personal access token guide to generate a new token. Give your token a helpful name such as "Token for using my laptop". Select the repo checkbox before creating the token.

Copy the token you create.

We'll use this the first time we have to login to github

NOTE: This is the ONLY time this token will be displayed. To ensure its safety copy it to a secure location such as a password manager.


We use nexus as our student information site. You will see your attendance record, homework assignments, lecture videos, as well as homework completion status.

To sign up, visit, and connect with your github login.

You will also see instructions to connect Slack with Nexus. If you choose to you will receive notifications when homework is assigned as well as when your assignments have been checked by your instructors.

Command Line

If your Mac is setup for Light Mode then the default color scheme for Terminal is black text on a white background. This can be difficult to use for long periods of time. If your Mac is setup for Dark Mode then the default color scheme for Terminal is light text on a grey background.

If you are using Light Mode, consider changing your default profile to Pro which will give you light text on a dark background. Your instructors, and your eyes, will thank you.

These are our recommended profiles for Terminal:

  • Pro
  • Homebrew
  • TheOne

To change your default profile, start Terminal and select Preferences from the Terminal menu. Click on Profiles then on Pro (or any other profile you want) and then click the Default button.

NOTE: if you choose a profile that is bright and colorful, but difficult for your instructor or fellow classmates to read, you will be making it more challenging to receive assistance.

Code Folder

During this course we are going to be creating many projects. Each of these will have their own directory. Thus we should attempt to organize these in some manner.

Choosing a place to keep your projects.

We feel there are a few choices on where to keep your projects

  1. In a folder named sdg or code or projects in your home directory. Your home directory is where your PowerShell or terminal will start from. This makes your code directory just a step away.
  2. In a folder named sdg or code or projects in your Documents directory. This is one directory below your home folder so it is still nearby.
  3. In a folder named sdg or code or projects on your Desktop. This too is only one directory below your home folder so it is still nearby.

Skip to the section below matching your desired structure.

Creating a folder in your home directory.

Choose what you want to call this directory and use the following commands to create it.

NOTE: In this example I'm choosing to call my project directory sdg

cd ~
mkdir sdg

Creating a folder in your Documents directory.

Choose what you want to call this directory and use the following commands to create it.

NOTE: In this example I'm choosing to call my project directory sdg

cd ~
cd Documents
mkdir sdg

Creating a folder in your Desktop directory.

Choose what you want to call this directory and use the following commands to create it.

NOTE: In this example I'm choosing to call my project directory sdg

cd ~
cd Desktop
mkdir sdg

Tool Installation


Homebrew is a tool for installing other programs and tools. We will use it to install many of the development tools we need during this program.

Pre Setup

Open a Terminal and run:

xcode-select --install

This will install the Apple developer tools we need for many of the steps that follow.


Open a Terminal and run:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

When this command runs it may ask for a password. This is the same password you use to login to your Mac, or unlock the screen.

NOTE: When you type your password it won't output anything, you'll be typing without any feedback. If you get the password wrong the installation process will let you know and you can try again.

Follow up

for BREW in /opt/homebrew /usr/local; do
if [[ -f "${BREW}/bin/brew" ]]; then
for PROFILE in "$HOME/.bash_profile" "$HOME/.zprofile" "$HOME/.profile"; do
if [[ -f $PROFILE ]]; then
"${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/brew" shellenv >> ${PROFILE}
eval "$(${HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/bin/brew shellenv)"


Node is a runtime for JavaScript. This means that with node, we can run JavaScript on our machines without having to be in a browser.

When working with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript we will find many of the tools require, or are written in, JavaScript with node.


brew install nodejs

SDG helper tools

Install this tool which includes some helpful add-on functionality we use at SDG.

npm install --global suncoast-devs/cli

Visual Studio Code

Developers debate about which code editing environment is better. Here at SDG, we require using Visual Studio Code. VS Code is a extendable lightweight editor that is still full featured and supports useful plugins.


Visit and download the installer.

  • This will download a ZIP file.
  • Find the download (did you download it to your desktop or your download folder?)
  • Double click the zip file
  • This will make a new file "Visual Studio Code"
  • IMPORTANT STEP -- Drag this file to your Applications folder (it should be right there in the finder "sidebar")
  • Open your Applications folder and double click the Visual Studio to launch it the first time

Adding command line option

Launch VS Code. Once launched use the key combination COMMAND + SHIFT + P. This will launch a search window. Type install code and then click on the option titled Shell Command: Install code command in PATH

Enable Extensions

VS Code has a large number of optional extensions that increase the capabilities of the editor. We have chosen a few that we feel improve the workflow during the course. We recommend running the following commands to install these extensions into your Visual Studio Code.

General Extensions:

In any terminal (and any directory) run the following:

code --install-extension 2gua.rainbow-brackets
code --install-extension streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker
code --install-extension meganrogge.template-string-converter

To read about these extensions:

C#/.NET Extensions:

In any terminal (and any directory) run the following:

code --install-extension ms-dotnettools.csharp
code --install-extension jchannon.csharpextensions
code --install-extension jorgeserrano.vscode-csharp-snippets

To read about these extensions:

Front End Extensions:

In any terminal (and any directory) run the following:

code --install-extension dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
code --install-extension ecmel.vscode-html-css
code --install-extension esbenp.prettier-vscode
code --install-extension Zignd.html-css-class-completion
code --install-extension

To read about these extensions:

Configure Visual Studio Code

In VS Code go to the "View" menu and select the menu item "Command Pallete". Then type Open Settings JSON and select option that does NOT mention "Default" or "Workspace"

open settings

This will open an editor window.

If this file contains {} (it may be on two lines) you may proceed with the next step. If it contains anything else STOP and ask for assistance.

Replace the contents of this file with:

"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.tabSize": 2,
"js/ts.implicitProjectConfig.checkJs": true,
"files.eol": "\n",
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode",
"git.enableSmartCommit": true,
"csharp.referencesCodeLens.enabled": false,
"workbench.startupEditor": "none",
"[csharp]": {
"editor.insertSpaces": true,
"editor.tabSize": 4,
"editor.defaultFormatter": "ms-dotnettools.csharp"

Then save the file and close the tab.


Git is a distributed source control system. This allows us to easily work and collaborate, on many different projects.

Git is how we will be managing our files and sharing code with each other. Git is a complex tool and it will seem rough at first. However, with practice, you will become familiar with the commands and options.

Pre Installation

First, make sure you have a GitHub account.


brew install git

Default branch name

When working in git as a source control resource we work in branches of code. Branches are a series of changes to code for a particular purpose. The default branch for a new git project has been master. SDG believes master-slave is an oppressive metaphor and we empathize with those hurt by the use of that term.

Git allows for a mechanism to change the default name of this branch. We suggest changing this to something like trunk (to continue to the tree metaphor) or main (since the first two letters match and help with auto-complete if you are used to typing master)

Read more from the IETF, the git project, and from the software conservatory

git config --global init.defaultBranch trunk

Tell Git your Name

Every line of code you save with git will be attributed to you. git will need to know the name to associate with the code. You should use your real name here, not a pseudonym or a 1337 haxor name.

NOTE: In the following command, instead of "Replace This Example With Your Full Name" use your full name, e.g., "Jane Q Public" or "John Q Public".


git config --global "Replace This Example With Your Full Name"


git config --global "Example: Grace Hopper"


git config --global "Example: Ada Lovelace"

Tell Git your E-Mail Address


In the following command, instead of use the same email address you gave to GitHub. Github uses this to make sure it can generate this awesome "activity" chart for you. github-activity

To find the email address you used at github, go to this menu and choose "Your Profile"

Profile Menu

Once you do, you'll see your profile page that includes the email address you used for registration on github. (highlighted in RED)

Profile Page


git config --global ""


git config --global ""
git config --global ""

Tell Git your Github username

Replace GITHUBNAME here with your github LOGIN / USER name. You can get this from the Github API by clicking on your user icon in the upper right hand corner. It will say "Signed in as GITHUBUSERNAME"

git config --global github.user GITHUBNAME

Ensure git uses VS Code for it's editor

git config --global core.editor "code --wait"

Tell Git + Hub to use HTTPS

We need to set up Git and GitHub to use the https protocol. Enter the following in your shell (Powershell):

git config --global hub.protocol https


Hub is a command line helper for github. It allows for easy github manipulation from our terminal.

From your terminal, run the following commands (current directory does not matter):


brew install hub

Post Installation

Start a new Powershell and enter the command:

hub api user --flat

This will ask for your username, supply your username or email address. Enter your github token as your password. NOTE You will NOT see your password displayed back to you.

hub outputs a lot of text. If you get a "wall of text" similar to the output below, then you have setup hub correctly. Otherwise you may see an error message.

.login my-github-user-name
.id 42
... [snip - removed to save space]
.created_at 2008-03-09T00:14:09Z
.updated_at 2021-07-12T14:12:38Z
© 2017 - 2022; Built with ♥ in St. Petersburg, Florida.