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Front-End Setup


RunJS is an application that allows us to run, and inspect, JavaScript/TypeScript code. It is useful for trying out new features, working through parts of an algorithm for a project or a codewar, or just analyzing why some JavaScript/TypeScript code doesn't work.


Visit and download/install for the platform of your choice.


We recommend using Firefox during this course.

We are going to be using Firefox's Development Tools feature extensively when developing front-end applications. Even if you do not use Firefox for your web browsing experience, having all of your fellow students on the same development tools will help.


brew install --cask firefox


Netlify is a static website hosting company. It allows for easy deployment of your websites so they are on the web!

Pre-Installation Step

Before continuing, you MUST sign up for a FREE account with Netlify


From Terminal, and in any directory, run the following command:

npm install --global netlify-cli


From Terminal, and in any directory, run the following command:

netlify login


Developing a clean writing style is just as important when writing code as it is when writing prose. To help us with developing this style, we can use an automatic code formatter. This will ensure that our code is formatted with the proper indentation and the correct placement of syntax.

We will be using the prettier formatter for our HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code.


From Terminal, and in any directory, run the following command:

npm install --global prettier


Check this for the pronuciation. It is pronounced to rhyme with meat.

This is a tool we use to generate our web projects, run our code, and generate a production version that we will deploy to Netlify.


From Terminal, and in any directory, run the following command:

npm install --global vite


This is the tool we will use to download the templates we will customize for ourselves. It is a general tool that can download a git repository to your computer and allow you to make a new git/GitHub history for it.


From Terminal, and in any directory, run the following command:

npm install --global degit
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