Term | Definition |
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) | A way to represent the structure of our program (e.g. business) entities in a way that we can |
translate into database tables and relationships. | |
Entities | The first component of an ERD, that is typically represented by the major nouns of our system (e.g. "Keep track of students , the courses the students are taking, and the course's teacher ."). |
Attributes | Characteristics/Properties of each Entity that we want to keep information of in our program, these are singularly named and store a single value (e.g. These would be things like "the student's name", "the student's age", "the student's birthday", "the course's name", "the course's description", and "the teacher's name".). |
Relationships | How the Entities in our Diagram are connected to each other (e.g. A student is enrolled in a course and a course is taught by a teacher.). |
Relational Database | Represents the data in a tabular form of rows and columns. Each column in a table represents an Attribute of the Entity. Each row in a table represents a record, the data associated with an Entity. |