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Structured Query LanguageA descriptive computer language designed for updating, retrieving, and calculating data in table-based databases.
DatabaseA structured way to store lots of information.
SerializationTake the information we have stored in memory and represent it as a series of characters/bytes that can be stored in a file.
AtomicityUpdates to the database allow for multiple changes to execute at once. Either all of them fail, or all of them succeed.
ConsistencyAny rules the database enforces are applied when asking for changes.
IsolationThis allows for multiple database requests to be handled concurrently (e.g. reading and writing to multiple tables/rows at the same time). This feature is what allows databases to be a great choice for multi-user systems.
DurabilityEnsures that once data is written to the database, the database does not lose the information in the case of a database, computer, or system crash.
SQLa table-based storage paradigm, that stores data arranged in an Excel-like format, that focuses on normalizing our data by focusing on
relationships and structure. This is often referred to as "Relational Databases".
NoSQLCan be thought of as the opposite of SQL. At a high level, a NoSQL database stores data in a form other than the table structure.This looseness of data structure allows developers to more freely control what and how the data is stored.
SchemaThe structure of a table that is represented by columns and constraints.
char(N)The N represents the largest number of characters this column can store. If we supply less than N characters the rest of the column will be padded with spaces. This ensures the column is always N characters long.
varchar(N)The N represents the largest number of characters the column can store, however, the width of the data is variable. If we supply less than N characters the column is not filled with spaces.
textAllows for a variable number of characters, but has a much larger limit than what a char or varchar can support. In some cases many megabytes, or gigabytes of text.
smallintGenerally only used if disk space is at a premium.
integerThe common choice, as it offers the best balance between range, storage size, and performance.
bigintDesigned to be used when the range of the integer type is insufficient.
booleanStores a true or false value.
DateStores a year, month, and day together. Use YYYY-MM-DD format such as '2020-07-04' when adding data.
timestampStores a precise time, Use YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:DD format such as '2020-07-04 15:45:12 when adding data.
queryWhat we call the statements we ask a database to do for us, even if the statement's purpose is to create tables, or delete rows.
CREATE TABLECreating a table to store our information. This table will have rows (data) and columns (structure). (e.g. CREATE TABLE "Books" ("Title" TEXT NOT NULL, "PrimaryAuthor" TEXT, "YearPublished" INT,"Id" SERIAL PRIMARY KEY);)
ALTER TABLEModifying a table after the table has been created. (e.g. ALTER TABLE "Books" ADD COLUMN "Genre" VARCHAR(15);)
INSERTTo create a new row in our database. (e.g. INSERT INTO "TableName" ("ColumnA", "ColumnB", "ColumnC") VALUES ('columnAValue', 'columnBValue', 'columnCValue');)
SELECTStatements that allow us to query and return a new view of the data. (e.g. SELECT "Title" FROM "Books";)
SELECT *This query will give us back all the columns (*) from all the rows in the table. Regardless of how many rows there are. (e.g. SELECT * FROM "Books";)
WHEREFilter down our table to only see rows that satisfy the conditions supplied. (e.g. SELECT "Title", "PrimaryAuthor" FROM "Books" WHERE "Genre" = 'horror';)
UPDATETo change data in our database. (e.g. UPDATE "TableName" SET "ColumnA" = 'new value' WHERE "ColumnB" = 'some value';)
DELETETo remove one or many rows from our database. (e.g. DELETE FROM "Books" WHERE "YearPublished" = 1995;)
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