Endpoint | The URL and VERB combination that performs some action such as returning information, updating information, or deleting information |
Payload or Body or Data | The information we send to the API |
Request Headers | A series of key/value pairs the client provides to the server containing details about the request. Can indicate the kind of data being sent, the kind of data the client can handle in response, and details about the client itself. |
Response | The information the API returns to us |
Response Code | A number representing a kind of success or failure |
Response Headers | A series of key/value pairs containing additional details about the response. Can indicate the kind of data being returned, - details about how the server completed the request, or cookie values the client should store. |
Response Body | The actual data returned to the client for processing |
API (Application Programming Interface) | A system of tools and resources in an operating system, enabling developers to create software applications. |
URL Parameter | A way to pass information about a request through its URL. |
URL Query Parameter | A defined set of parameters attached to the end of a url. They are extensions of the URL that are used to help define specific content or actions based on the data being passed. |
GET | Indicates to the remote server that we wish to fetch information and we are not sending it any data that it needs to keep. |
PUT | Used to Update an item. Has a similar format to POST, but the ID is needed. (e.g. http PUT "https://one-list-api.herokuapp.com/items/1588?access_token=illustriousvoyage" item:='{ "text": "New text here. Updated", "complete": true }') |
POST | Used to Create a new item. Cannot be generated from the URL bar, but can from a web form or the command line. (e.g. http POST "https://one-list-api.herokuapp.com/items?access_token=illustriousvoyage" item:='{ "text": "New text here", "complete": false }') |
DELETE | Used to Delete an item, the item's ID is needed to complete this. (e.g. http DELETE "https://one-list-api.herokuapp.com/items/1588?access_token=illustriousvoyage") |
Insomnia | A tool to work with HTTP based APIs. |