Web Development Program Pre-work
Welcome to the Suncoast Developers Guild pre-work. These resources are designed to help you get ready to be successful in the program.
What is Pre-work?
Pre-work is a series of articles, videos, blogs and other useful information designed to set you up for success at Suncoast Developers Guild. In addition to setting context, this will help start your journey on the right path and help frame what and how you will be learning.
Why Does Pre-Work Help?
You are about to begin a demanding and fast-paced program. The pre-work is designed to help you understand the challenge you are about to undertake and to help you consider "how" you learn. You have chosen to enter a program where you will be guided by a curriculum, instructors and teaching assistants.
We have designed this curriculum so that even students who have never done any programming or even have skipped this pre-work you are reading now will be successful.
What Won't the Pre-Work Do For You?
Pre-work is not "pre-study" nor is it meant to "give you a leg up" on your first day, or even your first week, of the class. Pre-work is not designed to try to explain everything about web development. We use it to establish context and a shared language to jump-start the learning process.
Get Started
Click through to the other sections in this lesson to continue reading.