Forms, Forms, Forms
Here are a series of forms to complete prior to your first day:
- Emergency contact, food allergies, medical conditions, and other vital items.
- Acknowledge you have read the program catalog.
- Check in and answer some questions so we can get to know you better
- Take this short quiz
Self check list:
- Did you read the catalog?
- Did you prepare your support team?
- Did you read What is Code?
- Did you read Fixed vs. Growth: The Two Basic Mindsets?
- Did you watch Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset?
- Did you try to make a PB&J sandwich?
- Did you play all the levels of Light Bot?
- Did you watch this introduction to C# video?
- Did you read the wisdom of the staff?
- Did you read the wisdom of the alumni?
- Did you fill out all those forms above?
- You did?! You rock!