C# | A programming language created by Microsoft. |
dotnet | The ecosystem of features, tools, and libraries from Microsoft that are used by the C# language. |
Compiling | Make the code ready to run. It essentially takes the code that is written in your project and making it ready as an executable program. |
Console | An interface that is used that allows users to communicate with the computer. Not to be confused with a typical desktop home screen, the console lives in programs like Terminal, Command Prompt, Powershell, etc. |
Directory | The path that computers use to organize files and folders. For example, when creating a folder on your desktop named "SDG", you are making a directory called "SDG" that lives on your desktop. |
Command | A task set for the computer to do in the console. As long as there is not a task running, the console is always looking for a command from the user. |
GitHub | GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere. |
Repository | A directory or storage space where your projects can live. |
IDE (Integrated Development Environment) | Also referred to as the "editor", a program used to write your code. The IDE we will be using is Visual Studio Code. |