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Turning in Assignments

Follow these steps to turn in, and get credit for your homework.

You should complete all the tasks listed for explorer mode first. Then follow these instructions for turning in that work. If you choose to proceed to adventure or epic modes you should follow these instructions again to turn in each of those modes.

NOTE: All the following commands need to be run in your terminal and inside the project directory. You need to cd into the directory where your project exists.

Step 1: Commit your code to GitHub

Once you are done, you will want to commit your code:

In the terminal, run:

git add .
git commit -m "Done with explorer mode."

NOTE : Please replace "Done with explorer mode." with a more meaningful message. It should try to capture what work you did.

Push our local commits to GitHub:

git push

Step 2: If this is a front end project, deploy your code

npm run deploy

Step 3: Add the deployed URL to your github project.

Open your github project. Click the gear icon next to "About". Edit the website field and paste the URL you received from the deployment step.

Step 4: Turning your code in.

Once you have your code deployed and pushed to GitHub, visit Nexus and bring up the assignment. Click the Turn In button. Select the GitHub repository you created. Add a comment to let your instructor know anything specific about the state of your work. For example if you had any issues or challenges, this is where you would document those.

After you have turned in your code, your instructor evaluates your work, and will leave any comments. If deemed incomplete or unaccepted the instructor re-opens the issue with a list of items to complete before turning in the assignment again.

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