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Helpful PostgreSQL commands

See a list of all my tables

To see a list of all your tables:



| Schema | Name | Type | Owner |
| public | Restaurants | table | student |
| public | Reviews | table | student |
| public | Users | table | student |
| public | __EFMigrationsHistory | table | student |

See the details of a specific table

To see the definition of a table, including all of the columns:

\d Users


| Column | Type | Modifiers |
| Id | integer | not null generated by default as identity |
| FullName | text | not null |
| Email | text | not null |
| HashedPassword | text | |
"PK_Users" PRIMARY KEY, btree ("Id")
"IX_Users_Email" UNIQUE, btree ("Email")

Change databases without exiting

To change the database you are connected to without exiting pgcli or psql:

\connect databasename

List all available databases



| Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges |
| BookCollection | student | UTF8 | C | C | <null> |
| CapstoneProjectDatabase | student | UTF8 | C | C | <null> |
| CompanyDatabase | student | UTF8 | C | C | <null> |
| FooBarDatabase | student | UTF8 | C | C | <null> |
| GameDatabaseAPIDatabase | student | UTF8 | C | C | <null> |
| GameNightDatabase | student | UTF8 | C | C | <null> |
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