Videos (and Conference Talks) to Watch
Great Conference Talks of All Time
- The Mother of All Demos, presented by Douglas Engelbart (1968)
- Simplicity Ain't Easy
- ShmooCon 2013: From "Shotgun Parsers" to Better Software Stacks
- Google I/O 2009 - The Myth of the Genius Programmer
- Tech Talk: Linus Torvalds on git
- How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters
- Growing a Language, by Guy Steele
- RailsConf 2011, Richard Gabriel & Guy Steele, "50 in 50"
- On the Road to Computer Literacy
- Encryption and HUGE numbers - Numberphile
- 28c3: The Science of Insecurity
- Bret Victor - Inventing on Principle
- RailsConf - Gary Vaynerchuk
- Ze Frank, a nerdcore comedy
- Wat - a hillarious look at JavaScript's rough edges
- RailsConf 2013 Lightning Talk on Technical Intimidation
- How to hack people's computers when they use 3rd party code they shouldn't trust
- The best talk I've seen about developers and depression
- Coding flying robots!
- Writing Confident Code - this is in Ruby but the lessons apply everywhere
From RailsConf's junior developer track
- Amelia Bedelia Learns to Code
- Pat Packet Visits Ruby Rails
- Level-up Your ActiveRecord Skills: Learn SQL!
- Booting Up: Hiring and Growing Boot Camp Graduates
- Computerphile
- Wes Bos
- Artisans and Apprentices
- How to be a Better Junior Developer
- Keynote - Humor In The Code: The Future Of Everything, Humbly Stated
- All the Little Things
- 50 Languages talk <-- Amazing
- End of Fun <-- Sarah is another amazing developer. Got the chance to hang out with her at a Ruby conference a few years ago.
Heart and Mind
More advanced videos (but still really good)
- A Lever For the Mind <--
- Confident Code
Avdi Grimm
is a favorite speaker/author of mine - Get a Whiff of This -- or any talk by Sandi Metz here -- Note that many will be similar, all of which might not make sense to you, but appreciate the message she is conveying.
- 10 Things You Didn't Know Ruby Could Do
- Refactoring from Good to Great
- Simplicity Matters