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NOTE: "What is a closure in JavaScript/TypeScript?" is often an interview question.

Closures in TypeScript are a way to create a function that has access to the variables and functions defined in the outer scope.

What does this mean? We can try a few examples.

Simple example

const variableFromOuterScope = "Wow, I'm from the outer scope"
function thisFunctionActsLikeAClosure() {
const variableFromInnerScope = 42
`I'm a closure! I have access to the variable "${variableFromOuterScope}" and the variable "${variableFromInnerScope}"`
// Have the debugger stop the program so we can look around

We'll run this program in Visual Studio, and we'll see the following output:

closure simple

Notice how the debugger shows us all the variables we can see when we reach the debuggerstatement, and our program paused. The variable variableFromInnerScope is shown in the list of Local Variables. However, the variable variableFromOuterScope exists in the section marked closure. That variable was "captured" by the function when it was defined. The act of defining a function "captures" all the variables visible to it. Capturing the variables visible when a function is defined is the essence of a closure.

A more complex example.

We can create a more complex example that will demonstrate that these functions do "remember" their values.

First, we will create an array of people. Each person will have a name, a birthday, and a number of milliseconds we should wait before showing their information. We'll use TypeScript's setTimeout to do the waiting. Since setTimeout calls a function later, this will help prove that the function is really "remembering" its values.

type Person = {
name: string
birthDate: string
delayMilliseconds: number
const people: Person[] = [
name: 'Alan Turing',
birthDate: 'June 23, 1912',
delayMilliseconds: 1100,
name: 'Ada Lovelace',
birthDate: 'December 10, 1815',
delayMilliseconds: 1500,
name: 'Grace Hopper',
birthDate: 'December 9, 1906',
delayMilliseconds: 2000,
name: 'Donald Knuth',
birthDate: 'January 10, 1938',
delayMilliseconds: 2500,

Then we will create a method that accepts a person variable and prints out details about them.

function printPersonInfo(person: Person) {
console.log(`${} was born on ${person.birthDate}`)

Finally, we will create a loop that will call the printPersonInfo method for each person in the array. However, we will call this method from inside a call to setTimeout. setTimeout is a function that creates a timer that will call the supplied function later.

people.forEach(function (person) {
// Inside here, we have access to the `person` variable here. The `person` variable is
// recreated each time through the forEach loop. Since it is an argument to the
// function, it is a new creation of that variable.
function timeoutCallback() {
// We also have access to the `person` variable here. The function timeoutCallback
// will remember all the variables that existed that it could see. This includes
// the `person` variable from the forEach loop.
// When the function executes **later** (via the `setTimeout`), the
// fact that this is a "closure" (remembers variables from the outer scope) ensures
// that each time we call printPersonInfo, the variable `person` will be correct.
setTimeout(timeoutCallback, person.delayMilliseconds)

When we run the program, we'll see something like this:

Notice that there are TWO closures defined. The first one is for the closure created by the function(person) defined inside the forEach loop. Inside that closure is just the printPersonInfo function. The second closure comes from inside the function timeoutCallback; it has access to the person variable created by the forEach loop.

Thus when the code calls printPersonInfo for the first time, person is Alan Turing, the second time the closure captured person being equal to Ada Lovelace, then Grace Hooper, and finally Donald Knuth.

Closures are both complex, powerful, and simple to use.

Remember that a closure is nothing more than the fact that a function grabs hold of the definition of the variables it can see when defined.

We'll be using closures, but we won't be calling it out as a special technique. It will just be a common technique.

This youtube video also gives a good overview of closures.

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