Like in most modern programming languages, in TypeScript, we store information
in variables.
Variables are placeholders with meaningful names that we use to
store a value so that we can refer to it later.
Variable Naming Rules
The names of variables, called identifiers, conform to certain rules.
A TypeScript identifier must start with a letter, underscore (_
), or a dollar
sign ($
); subsequent characters can also be digits (0-9
). Because TypeScript
is case sensitive, letters include the characters "A
" through "Z
(uppercase) and the characters "a
" through "z
" (lowercase). Examples of
legal names are Number_hits
, temp99
, $credit
, and _name
There are four ways we can assign a variable in TypeScript.
var | Declares a variable, optionally initializing it to a value. |
let | Declares a block-scoped, local variable, optionally initializing it to a value. |
const | Declares a block-scoped, read-only named constant. |
undeclared global | Without var, let, or const, we create a global variable |
undeclared global
variables are highly discouraged as they can often lead to
unexpected behavior. In our coding, we will always use var
, let
, or const.
In fact, in modern TypeScript, we will restrict our usage to let
and const.
variables are assigned a value on the same statement where they are
declared. They can also not be re-assigned at a later date.
You should default to using const when creating variables. This will help you keep your variables, values, and data more organized and reliable.
const answer = 42
The value of this variable cannot be changed.
versus var
-- These are both ways to declare variables that can be
changed. The difference between these two ways of declaring a variable has to do
with scope.
We haven't discussed scope
yet, so for now, we will limit
ourselves to using the let
style of declaring variables.
let score = 98
The value of the score
variable can be changed at a later time. That is, we
can increment it, decrement it, or change it to any other value we like.
Wait, what about types
in TypeScript
We are programming in a language named TypeScript
, so shouldn't we be
declaring variable types?
Luckily for us, TypeScript, like C#, has type inference. This means that if we assign a value for a variable when we declare it, TypeScript will make an inference, or guess, at the type for the variable.
So the following code declares variables that are of type number
const answer = 42let score = 98
If you define these variables in a .ts
file in Visual Studio Code, you can
hover over the variable and see the inferred type.
TypeScript can infer quite a bit about a variable if we give it a good default value.
const name = 'Mary'const students = ['Mary', 'Steven', 'Paulo', 'Sophia']const scores = [98, 100, 55, 100]
The variable name
will have a type of string
while students
will have the
type string[]
and scores
the type number[]
The type string[]
indicates that the variable is an array, with every element
being a string
. Similarly, number[]
indicates the variable is an array, with
every element being a number
What about an array that has different types of elements? Unlike C#
TypeScript can handle that just fine and in a very nice way.
const differentKindsOfThings = [42, 'Ice Cream', 100, 'Tacos']
The variable differentKindsOfThings
will have the type (string | number)[]
The |
is a union
of types. This means that differentKindsOfThings
is an
array of elements that can be either a string
or a number
Declaring types specifically
Type inference is powerful and frees us from having to type additional syntax. However, we cannot use type inference everywhere in our code. For instance, when declaring functions, we'll need to provide types for our arguments.
Also, some developers do not prefer to rely on their editor's features to show
them the type of a variable and prefer to be explicit
instead of implicit
with typing.
To declare the variables again, we can use a syntax that includes the variable types explicitly.
const name: string = 'Mary'const students: string[] = ['Mary', 'Steven', 'Paulo', 'Sophia']const scores: number[] = [98, 100, 55, 100]const differentKindsOfThings: (string | number)[] = [42,'Ice Cream',100,'Tacos',]
This syntax isn't significantly different as it only uses : TYPE
after the
variable name declaration. We'll use type inference most of the time when
writing code in the handbook and our projects.
Once we introduce the idea of TypeScript objects, we'll discuss why specifying an explicit type is useful.
Without assigned values
When declaring a variable with let
, we do not have to specify a value. After
declaring a variable but before assigning it a value, the variable will contain
a special value known as undefined
The undefined
value is different than our experience with null
. While null
implies that the variable has no value, undefined
implies that we have
never defined a value at all. Generally, undefined
should be avoided in our
code as it leads to bugs.
Also, since we did not provide a type for this variable, TypeScript will assign
the special type any
. This variable will now accept any type of value. The
type can lead to bugs in our software that would be avoided if we applied
a type.
and any
should be avoided in our code
Since we are just starting with learning TypeScript, we'll focus on a code style
that prevents the need for the undefined
value and the any
In fact, we can turn on code checking tools to make sure we avoid them!
Bad form
let name// name contains 'undefined' and is of type `any`name = 'Jane'// name now contains the value 'Jane', but `name` is still an `any` type.
Better form
let name: string// name contains 'undefined' and should be of type `string`name = 'Jane'// name now contains the value 'Jane'
Best form
const name = 'Jane' // name contains the value 'Jane' and we avoid any issue with `undefined`
Most of the time, we can declare a variable and assign a value at the same time. However, it is sometimes useful to declare the variable and assign its value later. Once we introduce conditions and functions, we will see cases of this.
More Types
Basic Types
As you saw when declaring variables, there are different types of values in TypeScript.
Here are our first few types that are in TypeScript, we will build on this later.
number | A numeric value such as 42 , 3.14 , or 0 | |
string | A sequence of characters such as "Jane" , "" , or "100" - Notice that "100" is different than 100 the former is a sequence of characters and the latter is a number | |
null | A special keyword denoting a null value. | |
undefined | A top-level property whose value is not defined. |
Looking at this list, you might think that having null
and undefined
redundant. Here is an example of the difference between the two:
Data Type Conversion
TypeScript is a dynamically typed language. That means you don't have to specify the data type of a variable when you declare it, and data types are converted automatically as needed during script execution. So, for example, you could define a variable as follows:
let answer = 42
And later, you could try to assign the same variable a string value, for example:
answer = 'Thanks for all the fish...'
Here is where TypeScript
's relationship to JavaScript
shows. While our
system will notify us this is an error, the code will still
Because TypeScript is transpiled to the JavaScript language, our browsers (and other tools) know how to execute it will not prevent this code from executing when we reach the JavaScript execution stage.
In expressions involving numeric and string values with the + operator, TypeScript converts numeric values to strings. For example, consider the following statements:
let x = 'The answer is ' + 42 // "The answer is 42"let y = 42 + ' is the answer' // "42 is the answer"
In statements involving other operators, TypeScript does not convert numeric values to strings. For example:
let x: stringx = '37' - 7 // 30 and notes that this is an error, assigning a number to a string
x = '37' + 7 // "377" and no error since we are converting the `7` to a string first.
You use literals to represent values in TypeScript. These are fixed values, not variables that you literally provide in your script. This section describes the following types of literals:
Integers Floating-point literals String literals Boolean literals
Integers can be expressed in decimal (base 10), hexadecimal (base 16), octal (base 8), and binary (base 2).
A decimal integer literal consists of a sequence of digits without a leading 0 (zero). A leading 0 (zero) on an integer literal or a leading 0o (or 0O) indicates it is octal. Octal integers can include only the digits 0-7. A leading 0x (or 0X) indicates a hexadecimal integer literal. Hexadecimal integers can include digits (0-9) and the letters a-f and A-F. (The case of a character does not change its value, e.g. 0xa = 0xA = 10 and 0xf = 0xF = 15.) A leading 0b (or 0B) indicates a binary integer literal. Binary integers can only include the digits 0 and 1.
Some examples of integer literals are:
0, 117 and -345 (decimal, base 10)015, 0001 and -0o77 (octal, base 8)0x1123, 0x00111 and -0xF1A7 (hexadecimal, "hex" or base 16)0b11, 0b0011 and -0b11 (binary, base 2)
Floating Point Literals
A floating-point literal can have the following parts:
- A decimal integer which can be signed (preceded by "+" or "-"),
- A decimal point ("."),
- A fraction (another decimal number),
- An exponent.
- The exponent part is an "e" or "E" followed by an integer, which can be signed (preceded by "+" or "-"). A floating-point literal must have at least one digit and either a decimal point or "e" (or "E").
For example:
String Literals
A string literal is zero or more characters enclosed in double (") or single (') quotation marks. A string must be delimited by quotation marks of the same type; that is, either both single quotation marks or both double quotation marks. The following are examples of string literals:
'foo''bar''1234''one line \n another line'"John's cat"
Template literals are also available. Template literals are enclosed by the
back-tick (`) (grave accent) character instead of double or single quotes.
Inside the backticks, we can use ${}
to evaluate statements.
const score = 56const prompt = `The current score is ${score} and the next score is ${score + 1}`// The current score is 56 and the next score is 57
Boolean Literals
The Boolean type has two literal values: true
and false
const typeScriptIsAwesome = trueconst learningTypeScriptIsHard = false
Now that we have data, we need ways to manipulate the variables.